
Why are people so rude on


Everyone thinks I'm sane. They're crazy!


Welcome to the internet. You would think that a chess website would contain a userbase that is generally comprised of mature, intelligent people, but the troll virus abounds here just like any other web community. I don't know if has a forum, but if they do, I wouldn't be at all shocked if there were people making accounts and saying things such as "HAHA! You have cancer!" and other such things... No web community is immune from trolls and rude people who, through the power of anonymity, type words that their mouths wouldn't utter face to face with another person.

NomadicKnight wrote:

Welcome to the internet. You would think that a chess website would contain a userbase that is generally comprised of mature, intelligent people, but the troll virus abounds here just like any other web community. I don't know if has a forum, but if they do, I wouldn't be at all shocked if there were people making accounts and saying things such as "HAHA! You have cancer!" and other such things... No web community is immune from trolls and rude people who, through the power of anonymity, type words that their mouths wouldn't utter face to face with another person.


 People who are astonished that the people can be rude on the internet ... uhhh, were you hiding under a rock all these years?

The internet is like a large buffet table. You try things out, take what you like,  chew on it if you need to and spit it out if it taste's like a horse's a## and move on.

Just don't keep complaining with your mouth full that you are offended with what you are eating.


Their self identity and worth is threatend. They counter this by elevating themselves 'over' you, their opponant, by insult or letting the clock run out in a lost position. What they don't do is evalulate the game without it being personal. Unfortunately they see the chess failure as confirmation of their lack of worth . So, it is very personal, only their wrath is projected onto someone else. This is easier then seeing themselves as losers.


Arw, come on.  The Internet is famously ungoverned & relying on a users morals & conscience doesn't sound like much of plan. Real world now.  We all hope this site is a place for Intelligent Chat (Undecided) but we can't assume The High Ground & then think it's everybody else's fault.  I think if people choose to opt in to this, then expect more free speech, not less.  Sometimes, it's a shocker when the crap chat reflects the crap game & it's all downhill from there.  Usually, if people are rude it's because they want to be, intend to be or enjoy being rude.  Give it back or cut it off.  Innocent


I disable the game chat so as to avoid the rude people you mention, but unfortunately there's no way to disable the poor sportsmanship other people decide to enforce. I play mostly unrated chess so as to avoid most cases of poor sportsmanship, but unfortunately there are still people like you who insist on playing such an uncough game of chess.

When you play like this in an unrated game, you're the rude one.

When you play on without resigning like this in an unrated game, you're the rude one.

But when you actually play an interesting game of unrated chess, and resign when it's right to resign, you're not the rude one. Understand?

So tell me, why are you so rude?


@ Heyoka


There is no way to be polite about this but you need to CALM DOWN.

Thanks for your harangue, but the games were bullet and lots of things could happen. Bullet is volitile and I am not sure why you are angry about it. Rulergeorge did resign, when it was cleary lost. 


In fact YOU are the hypocrite.

I recall plenty of times when you flagged me in 3 min/ 5 min chess. Yeah. Thats right. Go look in your game history vs me you will find it. It was in our first 8 games we played. In some of the games you also did not resign.( I can't pull up the games that were past a month ago but I do cleary remember it).

Resigning is a choice.  Not resigning is only rude in longer time controls when your opponent's time is being wasted. I am sure that an extra 30 seconds of bullet practice won't hurt...


Relax man, you do the same thing...


Jake, we've only played three bullet games and I didn't flag you once in any of them, and you'll find I resigned in two of them, as that's good etiquette for unrated bullet chess (and rulergeorge didn't resign in the Bullet games I mentioned, he resigned in the Blitz game, for which I commended his etiquette).

As for me flagging you in 3/5 minute games, if you fail to manage your clock you've earnt a loss on time, and that's what your opponent should give you. It's all well and good saying "Oh well I was winning" but if you spent the majority of your time on finding a winning move to a position which requires lengthy technique, I'm sorry that's but sealing your own fate in a Blitz game.

You say I do it? Maybe in our games in response to your behaviour maybe, because what do you call not resigning in this game, even though it's obvious you had little chance of flagging me as you lost this game on time (and your last ten-twenty moves indicate that you didn't have time to think):

My point was that in unrated games you'd expect better sportsmanship, even in bullet chess, but that's not what you get.

And telling me to relax doesn't mean I'm not calm. :P You can tell me to relax all you want because it's simply not applicable; I'm cool as a cucumber baby. Cool


Anyways Jake, it's honourable to try and defend your brother, but make sure your facts are straight before you try pointing fingers buddy.


Ok the point of this forum is to explain THE REASON WHY people are rude, NOT TO BLAME people! yeesh. It's silly how you spend effort into accusing me, and you're just wasting everybody's time. You commented on this forum JUST to blame me, which represents lack of judgement and how easily you're offended. It's just some bullet games, chill. No need to say anything. 

rulergeorge wrote:

I notice that when people give up a winning advantage, when they lose on time, or when they are just angry, they always insult people. Anyone have a good reason why people just can't be nice to each other?

I've answered your question in Post #52: put simply, poor sportsmanship invites poor sportsmanship.

All the best.


Or get thicker skin.


"put simply, poor sportsmanship invites poor sportsmanship."

This is only true if the other person who was treated with poor sportsmanship is adamant and truly wants the other person to suffer in some sort of shape, way or form. You could be the better person and just end the bad sportsmanship there...

rulergeorge wrote:

I notice that when people give up a winning advantage, when they lose on time, or when they are just angry, they always insult people. Anyone have a good reason why people just can't be nice to each other?

I haven't experienced rude people at while playing chess.

Online Chess people have either been silent after a loss or they are a good sportsman and a few times the opponent will apologize for a blunder they made or they will be cordial before the game begins.

Live Chess I select the option to not chat while playing.  I have no interest for chat when I am playing Live Chess so maybe that helps me miss the rudeness. 

All I guess as to why it happens is it is easier to insult via the keyboard instead vocally face to face.  


It's all down to their inherent inadequacy. The rude, insulting ones probably have trouble with acne and ED, don't have any real friends and generally are social misfits.




I was playing completely fine, without doing anything wrong, and just because I was 1st in a tournament, somebody friend requested me, and I thought it was because they thought I was good, so they friend requested me, and I accepted. I had not even played any games with that person. They later message me and say, "You're reported. enjoy your ban" CatBailey said this. Like, what???? Isn't that rude?


I despise disrespectful opponents. I can't stand them but all I can do is be respectful myself.

