
Why can I play well against people with a rating of 500 while I'm stuck at 270


I often get into a game of rapid with someone with a rating of 500 and win so why do I lose against someone with a rating of 200, I can't rank up.

Splashy64 wrote:

I often get into a game of rapid with someone with a rating of 500 and win so why do I lose against someone with a rating of 200, I can't rank up.

This shows your results against players rated 300 and up:

I don't see any victories against players 400 and up other than abandonments.

I do see a. victory against someone rated over 300 and a couple of draws. You are not rated far below 300. Keep trying.


You look like you play random moves without considering if the piece is going to be taken. No wonder you're 200, you might be overrated tbh, you should be 100.


Ok thanks for the support and thank you for the answer