
Why I cannot play my own game well?

The title sounds vague but hear me out. I am not a beginner neither a trained player. I am somewhere in the 950-1000 range on this site. The thing is I watch top rated blitz games and predict a decent number of grandmaster moves as well. However in my own games I cannot come up with such moves. I have fair share of inaccuracies and blunders as per quick analysis.

Clicked post before finishing the question. What do i need to focus on? Lessons? Practice? Though common sense would suggest both, I think something might help more than the other.


Masters understand all aspects of the game to a high degree. Tactics, Positional, Openings, Endgames. You might be able to guess some of their moves as they know how to get into good positions where you may not know how to get there but maybe see an obvious good move from a good position. At your level how you should get better? Play slow games and analyze them after to see what you done wrong or could of done better. Also tactics training . Those should be your main focus until at least 1400 - maybe even much higher.


That's great insights. Thanks a ton.


without proper basic, books and chess engine, it's impossible to play like gm. play your own style that u think effective


without proper basic, books and chess engine, it's impossible to play like gm. play your own style that u think effective


Predicting moves is easier when you get to decide which ones to predict.  Remember that the masters you're observing have to make all of the moves.