
Why is stafford gambit a miss?


when a objectively more dubious gambit: the Traxler is classified as a book move?


yes its still a theory


but so is the stafford gambit



joshforthewin wrote:

when a objectively more dubious gambit: the Traxler is classified as a book move?

Some dude who works at decided that it will be so. It's also possible that it wasn't some dude, but some simplistic program.

These labels mean nothing anyway, so not much is lost.




Stafford Gambit is much worse than Traxler.

Actually, I’m curious. How is the traxler better than the stafford?


Both are won for white, but Stafford Gambit is easier to win than Traxler.

tygxc wrote:


Both are won for white, but Stafford Gambit is easier to win than Traxler.

but surely if white does get through the Traxler he is up a bishop rather than in the stafford where you have just lost one pawn and control of the center



joshforthewin wrote:

but surely if white does get through the Traxler he is up a bishop rather than in the stafford where you have just lost one pawn and control of the center

How white "is up a bishop" if he gets through? Please enlighten us.


Traxler is way cooler and more useful


this is stockfish vs stockfish playing the stafford - it was a draw. (Now, I understand that in practical terms white may be able to get a good advantage and win the game but this forum is about how the traxler is classified as a good move a "book move" whereas the stafford is just a "miss" not a "book move" even though stockfish vs stockfish it is a draw)

here we have stockfish vs stockfish traxler, an easy win for white.


To play devil's advocate.. the lichess database win ratio is higher for the traxler than the stafford


Stafford is a miss cause supposedly it is a "bad" opening but engor it almost no one but 2500+ can handle the Stafford

joshforthewin wrote:

this is stockfish vs stockfish playing the stafford - it was a draw. (Now, I understand that in practical terms white may be able to get a good advantage and win the game but this forum is about how the traxler is classified as a good move a "book move" whereas the stafford is just a "miss" not a "book move" even though stockfish vs stockfish it is a draw)

here we have stockfish vs stockfish traxler, an easy win for white.

The first one is just lost for Black after 8.Qf3 or g3, and this is not the only way for white to achieve a winning position in the Stafford, e.g. 5.Nc3 Bc5 6.h3 is just as good, or better, and you can also add several more approaches.

The second game is just a parade of bad moves from both sides, starting with 5.Nxf7? (either 5.Bxf7+ or 5.d4 are correct) which loses all of white's advantage, and then instead of the terrible 7...Bb6? Black should play 7...d5 8.exd5 Nd4 with full compensation for the sacrifised material.

Thou should not allow your engines to drink before, and/or during a game.

Mazetoskylo wrote:
joshforthewin wrote:

this is stockfish vs stockfish playing the stafford - it was a draw. (Now, I understand that in practical terms white may be able to get a good advantage and win the game but this forum is about how the traxler is classified as a good move a "book move" whereas the stafford is just a "miss" not a "book move" even though stockfish vs stockfish it is a draw)

here we have stockfish vs stockfish traxler, an easy win for white.

The first one is just lost for Black after 8.Qf3 or g3, and this is not the only way for white to achieve a winning position in the Stafford, e.g. 5.Nc3 Bc5 6.h3 is just as good, or better, and you can also add several more approaches.

The second game is just a parade of bad moves from both sides, starting with 5.Nxf7? (either 5.Bxf7+ or 5.d4 are correct) which loses all of white's advantage, and then instead of the terrible 7...Bb6? Black should play 7...d5 8.exd5 Nd4 with full compensation for the sacrifised material.

Thou should not allow your engines to drink before, and/or during a game.

the difference according to stockfish between Nxf7 and Bxf7 is 0.03 so really it doesn't matter


The Stafford Gambit is considered unsound from a theoretical standpoint. The Traxler Counterattack, while also considered dubious, has a higher degree of practical complexity and counterplay.


Beliavsky has played the Traxler, no grandmaster plays Stafford.