
Why is studying chess so tedious and how can it be made more fun

Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:

Chess engines are very important and fun.

Take free SF, take a game, and go through the game with it, looking at the moves it suggests.

Very quick, relatively accurate and definitely a fun.

You will learn a lot this way.



I agree with this wholeheartedly.  I read books about chess, and they are great, but I find doing practical stuff, such as highlighted above, most valuable. 


As well as using chess engines to suggest a move for me (only when playing against Computer/XBox do I use this method, NEVER when playing real people), which I do find helpful, one of the best methods I have found is playing through published games played by the GMs etc.  I also will use to analyse every game I play and note its “a better move would be ...” recommendations. 


I have to say that for me studying chess is far from tedious. It's one of the most exciting things I can think of doing. Sadly, because of my job I find far less time to do it than I would like. But there are few things I enjoy more.

If you don't like studying chess then I think that you have to accept that high-level chess is probably not for you - though perhaps you can still get a lot of enjoyment out of just playing.

Myrms1 wrote:
Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:

Chess engines are very important and fun.

Take free SF, take a game, and go through the game with it, looking at the moves it suggests.

Very quick, relatively accurate and definitely a fun.

You will learn a lot this way.



I agree with this wholeheartedly.  I read books about chess, and they are great, but I find doing practical stuff, such as highlighted above, most valuable. 

Armed with a chess engine, you can investigate everything.

Armed with a book, hardly so.

Books are necessary to impart you some knowledge, but engines are more fun and an endless source of feedback( you can analyse a position for days).

No opening book ever will give you all the lines and refutations, but you CAN check all of them one by one with the help of an engine.

Of course, who is going to mess with an engine all day long?

Apart from me, I mean. happy.png

DeirdreSkye wrote:
Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:
Daniel1115 wrote:

I think you may be reading the wrong type of books. I. would recommend starting with My System for positional play

Chess engines are very important and fun.

Take free SF, take a game, and go through the game with it, looking at the moves it suggests.

Very quick, relatively accurate and definitely a fun.

You will learn a lot this way.


     How much will he learn? As much as you?

lol , man I envy the ability of some people to be funny without even trying.

Do you think there is even one that wants to be a delusional that can't think for himself?

Tell us again how many openings are refuted according to you. If I remember correctly , 2 knights defense , Caro Kan , French , Pirc, Alekhine, King's Indian defense and several sound lines still played in top level(like Advance variation in French defense and Smith Morra in Sicilian).

    Only idiots can't see what an ignorant you are because of the constant use of Stockfish. 

It is fun though. You make a lot of people laugh with you. No doubt about it.

There are about 3 to 3 and a half sound openings.

For the time being, based on my observations, it's not fully certain if there is a 4th one.

People like you ( and a bunch of GMs) are still stuck in their Middle Age perceptions.

Luckily, there are smarter and more open-minded guys too.

Those will see the light of day sooner or later.

Well, you are still playing the Grob, right?

Current top engines, all of them, say +80cps black edge, so winning.

And they DO TEND to win 95% of their games with black.

What do I care about someone (be he a very strong player) having written a book about how to win with the Grob?

It really does not make sense, does it?


Myrms1 wrote:

As well as using chess engines to suggest a move for me (only when playing against Computer/XBox do I use this method, NEVER when playing real people), which I do find helpful, one of the best methods I have found is playing through published games played by the GMs etc.  I also will use to analyse every game I play and note its “a better move would be ...” recommendations. 

Indeed, playing through (while passively or actively memorising) a larger amaount of (even unannotated) high-quality games is one of the best ways of quickly improving.

It's simple - you will go through 10 unannotated games in an hour while needing the same amount to fully understand a single well-commented game.

10 vs 1. Big difference.

You need that eye-contact knowledge to widen the scope of your understanding.




Chess (on the top level, 3500+) is by far the MOST INTERESTING thing on Earth.

The experience (understanding all the moves and motifs) is unforgettable.

No sensual experience can ever compare to this.


Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:

Here is a book that teaches you a lot and reads fun:

Instead of a book. people would appreciate your work in an interactive form - try CHESSABLE.COM. This book seems to be made for the Chessable format. 



Klauer wrote:
Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:


Chess (on the top level, 3500+) is by far the MOST INTERESTING thing on Earth.

The experience (understanding all the moves and motifs) is unforgettable.

No sensual experience can ever compare to this.


This is personal. For one yes, for one no. But no matter what it is to you: Tell your boyfriend or girlfriend only that s/he is the M O S T  I N T E R E S T I N G on earth and in heaven.

Not personal, just a MATTER OF FACT.

The more complex a living organism grows, the more elaborate its sensations, mentality and overall

living energy.

So, the more complex you are, the more virulent emotions and thoughts you experience.

Humans tend to delight (but also suffer) much more than ants.

In a similar way, a superhuman being (with enhanced mentality) tends to delight and suffer much more.

The ability to calculate 10 billion variations per second (via pruning and other tricky evaluation techniques) certainly provides for unusual and highly sensitive experience normal chess calculations can not match.

It is fun to beat any weaker player at chess.

Do you know what fun it is to beat SF at 3300?


quixand wrote:
Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:

Here is a book that teaches you a lot and reads fun:

Instead of a book. people would appreciate your work in an interactive form - try CHESSABLE.COM. This book seems to be made for the Chessable format. 


 Have nothing against.

If someone invites me, I will be happy to respond. happy.png

I don't like pushing myself onto people.


ForgottenAmericans wrote:

Hahaha what a ridiculous excuse. He writes horrible books that no serious publisher would produce, so he has to self-produce them and beg people to promote them and positively review. GM Huschenbeth runs a chess academy, writes books, plays chess actively, and even runs a YouTube channel. The simple fact is that Lyudmil is a fraud and the entire chess community knows it. Writing is much easier than playing. His books have almost no words in them anyway, just nonsensical rules that don't help you improve your chess at all. He wouldn't be 2000 if his "brilliant ideas in chess" had any value whatsoever.

I cured cancer.

I solved the worlds energy problems.

I solved how to get the US out of debt.

I solved the worlds problem regarding pollution.

I don't have to tell you how i did all this, but i did.

I don't need to show proof.  You just need to believe me.




ForgottenAmericans wrote:

Lyudmil is really shilling hard on here lol I read a few of his book reviews. People said he puts in fake games he played against Stockfish to brag. He wins positions in infinite analysis mode by playing out moves with the engine and then claims he beat it because no one can verify it. He's the literal definition of a scammer, and if his "methods" worked he would just become a Grandmaster himself. Kudos to him for tricking a lot of people into buying his books.

On the contrary - I write one of the best books out there.

Scamming, is that what you call compiling 3000 recent puzzles, when most manage just 500 or 1000?

I mean my latest Neverending Tactics book.

man, that is 5 times MORE EFFORT than what other authors invested.

If there are scammers, I am the least suitable fit.

There are many books on Amazon 50 pages long, Beginner Chess, or entirely copied.

Mine is 1000 pages long, AND almost the same price.

No scamming here, you should be very very grateful to me.



IMBacon wrote:
ForgottenAmericans wrote:

Hahaha what a ridiculous excuse. He writes horrible books that no serious publisher would produce, so he has to self-produce them and beg people to promote them and positively review. GM Huschenbeth runs a chess academy, writes books, plays chess actively, and even runs a YouTube channel. The simple fact is that Lyudmil is a fraud and the entire chess community knows it. Writing is much easier than playing. His books have almost no words in them anyway, just nonsensical rules that don't help you improve your chess at all. He wouldn't be 2000 if his "brilliant ideas in chess" had any value whatsoever.

I cured cancer.

I solved the worlds energy problems.

I solved how to get the US out of debt.

I solved the worlds problem regarding pollution.

I don't have to tell you how i did all this, but i did.

I don't need to show proof.  You just need to believe me.




That's 3000 tactics problems, man:

All new and originally researched.

All there, easily seen and verifiable.

Solving 10 each day, or even just browsing actively the solutions, you will finish the whole book in a year.

In that time, your rating will rise from 1200 to 2200.

All 1000-1500 opening, middlegame and endgame patterns included, appropriately repeated with

slight modifications.

Find a single tactical pattern that is not featured in the book, and I might suppose you are not talking complete BS.

But for that, you have to read the whole book first, and this is a lot of effort, and you like giving judgements based on non-fact.



You're being a bit hard on Lyudmil IMO. This book looks to have good reviews on Amazon. The one bad review says the book is "too long", which is a strange complaint to make against a book called "Neverending Tactics".



It can`t. Just like practicing any sport like tennis, golf , basketball, etc. You have to put in work that may seem dull and downright boring but you will be better for it.

IpswichMatt wrote:

You're being a bit hard on Lyudmil IMO. This book looks to have good reviews on Amazon. The one bad review says the book is "too long", which is a strange complaint to make against a book called "Neverending Tactics".


Hi Matt.

How are you doing?

Yeah, many customers buy not knowing what they have bought...

They don't read the description, reviews, etc.

And others simply like posting "fake", or they are instructed to do so...

Can you imagine, almost half of reviews on Amazon are bogus ones, although

chess is a relatively clean section.

ForgottenAmericans wrote:

haha @ "hard on him." He writes that he's written the best new book in the world on chess and has the secret to chess, but he has no clients, isn't good at chess himself, and has no new ideas in the entire book, then he gets a bunch of people to write fake reviews by sending them the book for free. Sorry man, being a 2000-rated author in chess just doesn't work, especially when you shill hard, saying you're the best in the world. That tactics book presents nothing new in the world of tactics, and nothing at all that helps an amateur solve tactics. No value is added.

On the contrary - it is the only book that includes ALL types of opening, middlegame and endgame

patterns, so one can learn everything on tactics from a single book.

Nice, is not it?

Polgar's Chess is just mates.

The only other book at 3000 puzzles is an edition of the Chess Informant, but the

paperback costs $60.

The kindle of Neverending Tactics is just 5 currently, so

you get 12:1 added value.

How I hate hollow haters.

Man, that is my life.

I am more passionate on chess than everyone else, and probably also know more.


Lyudmil_Tsvetkov wrote:
ForgottenAmericans wrote:

haha @ "hard on him." He writes that he's written the best new book in the world on chess and has the secret to chess, but he has no clients, isn't good at chess himself, and has no new ideas in the entire book, then he gets a bunch of people to write fake reviews by sending them the book for free. Sorry man, being a 2000-rated author in chess just doesn't work, especially when you shill hard, saying you're the best in the world. That tactics book presents nothing new in the world of tactics, and nothing at all that helps an amateur solve tactics. No value is added.

On the contrary - it is the only book that includes ALL types of opening, middlegame and endgame

patterns, so one can learn everything on tactics from a single book.

Nice, is not it?

Polgar's Chess is just mates.

The only other book at 3000 puzzles is an edition of the Chess Informant, but the

paperback costs $60.

The kindle of Neverending Tactics is just 5 currently, so

you get 12:1 added value.

How I hate hollow haters.

Man, that is my life.

I am more passionate on chess than everyone else, and probably also know more.



Yes, informant's encyclopedia of chess combination 5th edition has 3001 combinations, and you can get it in CD version and read it in fritz or chessbase reader software.  HERE

ForgottenAmericans wrote:

Lyudmil claims his book is the only one that has tactics that cover all phases of the game. This is a pathetic lie from someone who has never looked in tactics books before. Tons of books cover all aspects of the game. The Polgar book CHESS does in fact have plenty of endgame combinations as well as opening miniatures. How stupid is this Lyudmil guy? Does he just openly lie assuming we don't know any of this?

I dont think he is stupid at all. He seems very smart. But you are right, he does lie a lot. I think he just wants you to believe him so much he cant process viewpoints different than his. He likes doing what he's doing but he seems to have a big problem with people who dont like or buy his books. I think he would be much happier if he just wrote his books and never offered them for sale. Most of his hostility is towards people who criticize his books and his claims of greatness.


someone cheated