
Whyyyyyy. (blunder on the edge of victory)


Yeah, I didn't look too far, I was wondering what might happen if a move like Qd2 was played, this seems like a pretty good line.

I didn't like Qg2 because it seems like white should have an attack, but with threats like Re2 and Qg4+ it seems right.

Still, in the final position as black I'd be uncomfortable.  Two bishops for a rook and white has some targets on the queenside.

waffllemaster wrote:

Yeah, I didn't look too far, I was wondering what might happen if a move like Qd2 was played, this seems like a pretty good line.

I didn't like Qg2 because it seems like white should have an attack, but with threats like Re2 and Qg4+ it seems right.

Still, in the final position as black I'd be uncomfortable.  Two bishops for a rook and white has some targets on the queenside.

Yes, I'm thinking that my three passed pawns on the kingside would give me the advantage though. The game certainly wasn't over.