
Will computers ever solve chess?


Chess was called the drosophila of artificial intelligence.

tygxc wrote:

Chess was called the drosophila of artificial intelligence.

Why was it called the drosophilia of AI, isn't drosphilia a fruit fly or something?


The drosophila or fruit fly was the test object par excellence for genetics.


Yes, many people came to false conclusions about chess.


WILL it solve chess? Probably.

HAVE they solved chess? No.


For now it doesn't look like that chess will be solved. But engines will definitely get stronger. Maybe certain endgames will be completely solved in the future which is more likely due to the limited material but this is still not an easy task.


The number of possible chess games is many times greater than the number of atoms in the known universe. Even a quantum computer could never come close to fully solving chess.


@cdm299 As far as I know quantum computers are only effective for certain tasks like prime factorization but I'm not sure if they would be great for chess in the first place.


Edit: I did some research on Google Scholar I could only find one paper published in 2019 dealing with designing quantum circuits to play chess. In this paper they mention that designing a circuit for an 8x8 board is incredibly complex so they decided to design a circuit for a 3x3 board.

What they did was just some basica chess playing functionality like checking the validity of the moves. That means we are if at all at the beginning in the area of quantum chess engines. If a quantum expert could comment on this topic that would be great. )




Here is the link to the paper:

Design of Quantum Circuits to Play Chess in a Quantum Computer:



Quantum computers aren't magic.  They won't help much with chess.  Sorry.


Chess is no different from checkers, which has already been figured out. What part of chess hasn't been solved? These posters that say chess hasn't been solved are just making things up ,talking nonsense, that they seem to think sounds intelligent. 


Famous forum!!


You mean when Quantum-Stockfish comes out it won't be able to analyse the start position and say "Checkmate in 60 moves for White"?

It would be cool if that happened, but then disappointment as you realise chess would basically be ruined if a computer could list all the perfect moves from the start. Maybe we should protest against quantum-computers to save chess?


Could be a movie plot- it's the year 2050 and technology is being researched with the capacity to fully solve chess. But some chess enthusiasts don't want chess to be solved and try to stop it.


All evidence indicates that it will be: white to play, black draws.


I missed this post earlier.

It's very interesting that there has been some progress on this - at least people seriously starting to have a go at it.  If, as it seems, there are no fundamental barriers, the end of the road will be a quantum computer that solves chess, answering the OP question!

I am however inclined to observe that there are a lot more useful and important things to do with quantum computers!

Computers will solve chess when this thread has seen its last post.

there are a lot more useful and important things to do with conventional computers as well and yet we play chess through computers and computers play chess...


Makes no difference if chess is ever solved.  No human has the ability to remember everything that it would take.  Checkers is solved, and no checkers player has been able to take advantage of it.


Connect 4 has also been sovled, and I believe the losing-chess variant has too.

Tip- The best first move for Connect 4 is the centre. The first player must take the centre to be able to force a win from the first move. Else player two is able to force a win (by taking the centre with their first move).