

NotAllowedTo wrote:

what the heck is this thread? psycho stuff

don't forget to put four question marks after it.


       Why doesn't someone use this guy as an avatar, Captain Obvious.                                         


watch me shoot off his tache and beard!

pew pew pew pew pew.


I think people would be better served by looking at the context here. Also don't bring your personal baggage to a conversation @cote. Thanks thereSa and ione


Can we stop this forum now???? You hurting my friend more. here's the letter from

APR 13, 2015  |  11:17AM PDT


Amelia replied:


Thank you Theresa,

It appears Power_2_the_people has changed his avatar. And interestingly it looks like margosmiles said it was ok for him to do this on his profile page. Regardless, we do take this seriously and we don’t allow people to just take avatars.

If you believe this is happening elsewhere on the site, please let me know, I will be happy to help!

Amelia/Calamondin Member Support


      " don't bring your personal baggage to a conversation @cote".    ??Undecided  I beg your pardon?  What's that in reference to? Undecided


@cote. Explain how this reference applies here =>2 days ago · Quote · #11


I have no idea, but she offered. This martin character is not playing with a full deck, along with all the people that want cheeky chicky to return.


     That's not baggage and its not my opinion, its fact.  Cheeky's been banned numerous times. Martin has used 10 avatars in 1 week. With over 11 million people on this site, how many do you know that OFFER the use of their face?  He used an avatar of Yolandi Visser that was banned by The OP didn't even know that you OFFERED your face to be used, but instead making it sound like SHE's suffering because of it. Give me a break. Lets try to have a modicum of mental stability here. Cheeky was banned. That's not a badge of honor. Blunderpants is gone, and now staff knows what martin is about. 


@cote it's pure baggage and your stripes are obvious

varelse1 wrote:

Many have used my avatar. I am still the original!

....okay, if you really wanna be....(just teezing v1....Wink....)


Margo please stop commenting. Let them to comment. It's wasting your time. Nothing will happen. Everybody have a right to say whats on their mind. We can't please them.


      Well since your a 1st, I have to ask you. What was your rational for posting permission on martins homepage. Out of 11 million users, your the only one who said, "you can use my face as an avatar".  What we're you thinking??


All we are saying is give peace a chance... i've tried once to use another person avi pic. it was margosmiles' and that was just because she allowed me to do so. the thing is, in the end i realized it was too confusing when two people with the same pic in the same group are posting notes at the same time. and it would also allow for a risk of confusion whether or not the two people with the same pictures are in the same group... the avi pics are there to help distinguish one member from another.  So, yeah, its done! experimentation # 5124 over. i never had seen this forum before but thanx for your participation :)


Well....this forum is closed. Thanks for your comment.


forums can only be deleted or locked by if you ask them. they cannot be closed. peace


I know that. But for the reason I did this forum.....its close. We already receive cc's answer and I dont want to re open the wound of what happened in the past. I hope you understand.


how would you want me to understand? you post a forum to talk about me without telling me first . its for you to understand not me


Ok. I did this forum coz you used one of my members avatar. She is also a friend. We saw that you used it. I wrote to and they answer me. It's finished. Why I need to talk to you????


I can't see the problem with avatars. Is that a photo of a real person?

Mine happens to be Einstein and I gave it color hair. But anyone can use a Einstein avatar because I don't own it and there are dozens of his photos on the net.I saw someone else using Einstein hit is not a copy of mine.

I took it of the net and modified it.

If you want to end and lock this forum ask chess,com to lock it.

This forum topic has been locked