
Best Win Stats


I recently beat a player ranked 1711 and when the win is displayed as my best win, it shows as 1643; players rank after loss to me......glitch?


Click on that player's name and see what his current rating is.


I know that, but when I was playing him his rank was 1711. When I beat him his rank dropped to 1643......surely my best win should register as 1711 and not the reduced rank?


I see what you mean.  My best win says 1605, but when I go to the game his rating is 1413.  When I click on his name his rating for online chess is also 1413.  It must adjust to the player's current rating after the game is played and continue to adjust for that individual.  That's bizarre.


That system is flawed .... the win should be recorded as and set in stone on the winning score (Before it has been adjusted), and should be independant from the players further wins and losses.   What happens if you play a person at 1300 and then they climb the ladder to 2500 - does your best score reflect 2500?  

Mental_gc wrote:

I know that, but when I was playing him his rank was 1711. When I beat him his rank dropped to 1643......surely my best win should register as 1711 and not the reduced rank?

it stinks I know, but my best Standard win is 1578 or so and It was 1590 when I played him.