Forums isnt responding to my emails? whats wrong?


In the past, as well as right now, ive been trying to send emails to but they barely respond......

I mailed them yesterday reporting an abusive person that was circulating n*des of a teenage girl in here, but they never responded... Kinda annoying fr. They say .."Contact us in case of an emergency" but eh, it's only talk? 

Ive been trying for months, even years now.. ....fine with my previous attempts related to account opening and closing, but now its bout reporting this menace, yet they give the slightest care. Disappointed...

Martin, if youre readin this.. you might probably know me, or idc if you dont. just provide me with an answer fr this post.

L_Lawliett69 wrote:

In the past, as well as right now, ive been trying to send emails to but they barely respond......

I mailed them yesterday reporting an abusive person that was circulating n*des of a teenage girl in here, but they never responded... Kinda annoying fr. They say .."Contact us in case of an emergency" but eh, it's only talk?

Ive been trying for months, even years now.. ....fine with my previous attempts related to account opening and closing, but now its bout reporting this menace, yet they give the slightest care. Disappointed...

Martin, if youre readin this.. you might probably know me, or idc if you dont. just provide me with an answer fr this post.

It can take a few days to get a response to tickets.

For a nor urgent abuse related issue, you might use the form at the bottom of the following:

That said, you'll also only get replies to direct tickets or emails, not normal reports.


If you send me the account via message, I can escalate


I mentioned that you know me, and that mean I am aware of what it is to report someone/ open a ticket to support. i did open a ticket yesterday and i never got a reply.. Not that new to confuse between a normal report and a support ticket.. This wasnt what i expected as a reply. Thing is i dont get replies for my emails..

Martin_Stahl wrote:

If you send me the account via message, I can escalate

they have closed their account themselves, its still not "banned" yet. yeah ill do it.

GirlsPlayBetter wrote:

it's reassuring 2 hear that u care so much about girls safety

thanks, yeah been doing it for a long time.. eh bad memories with though.. this post wasn't to grab any of my "friends" attention but if i cant help it. Martin's probably out there verifying this account.


The account has been handled.


I have heard about this before. I sent a ticket to about this before, but I never got a reply.


I’ve been having a similar problem. I haven’t even been getting the automated confirmation emails when I send in an abuse report. But I have been told by a staff member (who I contacted directly) that the accounts I reported did get actioned.

Martin_Stahl wrote:

The account has been handled. was handled only after you took it to the attention of the staff. but the problem doesn't end here, id like to fix this issue and respond to emails as quickly as possible, especially those that report "abuse". I am well aware of the fact that you guys are being bombarded with hundreds of emails every day but still, you could consider and do something about this.

yeah, this message is targeted at the staff out here, if you're reading this.


They handle tickets on a first in, first out manner in most cases and they are getting thousands of tickets a day on average.


Sounds like you guys are understaffed then 😆


I agree FIFO is necessary when you receive thousands messages per day. The staff is not understaffed. Now "everyone" plays chess. Just look at daily puzzle comments... the level went down and OS so to speak has some flaws leading to bugs leading to tickets and complains.... vicious circle, isn't it?


Well, I always get a great feeling when I 'Report a Bug' or 'Make a Suggestion'.

Yes, the response time and type of reply we receive can vary. Sometimes, we might receive an automated reply the next day, followed by a staff reply in a few days. Other times, we may only receive automated replies and never hear back from the staff. Sometimes, we may not receive any reply, but the work might have been done. However, there are times when we don't receive any reply, and no action has been taken on our report/suggestion yet.

Please keep in mind that the response time and type of reply depend on their priorities, and/or the importance of our report/suggestion.

So, let us not be disappointed/frustrated and continue contributing to the wonderful site by sharing our inputs.

L_Lawliett69 wrote:

In the past, as well as right now, ive been trying to send emails to but they barely respond......

I mailed them yesterday reporting an abusive person that was circulating n*des of a teenage girl in here, but they never responded... Kinda annoying fr. They say .."Contact us in case of an emergency" but eh, it's only talk?

Ive been trying for months, even years now.. ....fine with my previous attempts related to account opening and closing, but now its bout reporting this menace, yet they give the slightest care. Disappointed...

Martin, if youre readin this.. you might probably know me, or idc if you dont. just provide me with an answer fr this post.

I got upset about the lag in response time a while back, but finally realized that they receive thousands of reports on a number of different issues each day. Take a look at the numbers from a recent update:

Fair Play

The Fair Play team, as always, kept a safe and fair place to play last month.

Fair Play stats for November:

  • 54,949 Fair Play closures (including 3 titled players)
  • 80.3K mute actions
  • 71K accounts muted
  • 109.8K abuse closures


November was another super-productive month for the Support team, who handled over 89,000 requests.

  • Average Time to First Response: 1 day, 5 hours
  • Total Requests Received: 89,097
  • Average Quality by Member Rating: 95%
  • Total Ratings: 6,647

yeah damn, it does make sense.. but yeah cant reallyblame them, I ofc do empathize with, but I'll still stand by my point that they should allot a separate team for handling abuse reports. because sometimes, it might turn out to be an immediate need by a particular member.. if if gonna take 5 to 5-6days business days to reply, what's the point?

immediate and serious cases include n*de images related, child p****graphy, Harassment etc..

L_Lawliett69 wrote:

yeah damn, it does make sense.. but yeah cant reallynblame them, I ofc do empathize with, but I'll still stand by my point that they should allot a separate team for handling abuse reports. because sometimes, it might turn out to be an immediate need by a particular member.. if if gonna take 5 to 5-6days business days to reply, what's the point?

immediate and serious cases include n*de images related, child p****graphy, Harassment etc..

@L_Lawliett69 Okay... I agree with you for the most part here. People who create and spread child pornography should be dealt with in the most prompt and harsh manner. So what can we do? What can do?

1. Maybe could create a system whereby certain keywords in a complaint would cause the email complaint to rise to the top of the list. People might abuse this just to get their complaint heard, but it might be worth a try.

2. It might be worthwhile to know what is doing to people who post child pornography on this site. If the person can be positively identified, then what are the responsibilities and obligations for reporting that person to law enforcement? What are the child pornography laws in the country where the poster/creator reside? Will law enforcement in that country respond? How much staff and financial resources would be required by to address this issue in a foreign country?

3. There's technology to identify nude and pornography material online and in email. Is using any of the tech? How costly is that tech? How difficult is it to implement that tech onto this platform?

4. What are the internal procedures for to deal with allegations (or proof) of pornography of any sort? Do they send a "receipt" for these kind of complaints? Is removing the offending post or person enough, or do you/we need a personal email informing us of their actions?

5. How many child pornography reports does receive on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis? At what point does a team of any type get created to address a situation? How much time and money is required to staff, fund, and manage that team? Is it enough to simply delete the material and remove the offending poster from

I'm not trying to defend, but to only recognize and discuss the fact that there may be many things happening behind the scenes that we are not privy to. There may be financial or technical reasons for why some things don't happen fast enough, or even at all. Toss-in international pornographic laws and it gets even worse.

One thing is for sure though: there are many questions that we and should be asking and sharing.

Let's offer suggestions... offer to help... keen encouraging to take action in a positive manner if possible.

Just my thoughts after my first cup of coffee.


hey there @Boone2023, your cup of coffee certainly has something wink.png

1. Implementing a system to prioritize complaints based on keywords can be a double-edged sword. While it may help identify urgent issues, it could also be manipulated or misused by members as you said, so it sounds like an efficient system on the look, but yep would have to take efficient measures to make sure no one abuses the system. but, yeah its worth a try! could strengthen its partnership with law enforcement agencies worldwide, and organize a separate team, This way they could familiarize themselves with law enforcement in every country. (might sound expensive, and ikr lol).

I'd also like to make public posts about this dirt thats been befouling their website for quite some time, and they could also emphasize strongly on how they'd take action against abusers. They could educate the users and alarm parents(Most of them arent aware of the fact that their kids are in here, anyways) bout the platform's commitment to safety. They could also create posts on a regular basis to keep members updated with their actions against major abuse cases.

3.About technology

It might be very expensive for to algorith based AI, which could block NSFW image content.. but yeh, a certain member of our community has made a forum on "potential NSFW filter feature" long back in 2022 and its the reaosn behind the "eye icon" we could all see in the PMs, ive read all the posts Iin that thread back in 2022..nd it seems like they feel its too expensive and unnecessary for the site to do more of an AI, because they beleive its under strict ToS that children below 13 shouldn't be on, but they really dindt make sense back what about kids below 18?, Im sure @Martin_Stahl was in that conversation too ah he mightn't remember it..

4. I honestly would say, the simply removing the member from their site is NOT enough.

a possible solution would be to enhance transparency(upto a certain limit, cuz they shouldn't know everything ofc tongue.png) in the moderation process and give an outline of how reports are being reviewed and viewed upon by the "abuse handling team", This way it could create more awareness amongst members. Moreover, providing users with email notifications and communicating the report through to take appropriate action was exactly what was doing a few years back, i dont see them doing, or atleast not at their peak id say.

5. probably has automated machines that that work on the principle of volume of reports and take actions swiftly(muting them, even closing on severe cases)..It would be great if they had a similar system for categorizing and prioritizing email reports based on keywords, as well as the volume of emails they receive on that particular day against a single report. This way emails could be segregated to urgent and non-urgent ones, and staffs can focus more on the urgent ones. Like we said earlier, members might use it to their advantage and spam keywords so their mail appears on top even if it wasnt for reporting abuse, we could implement a "1 week mute system" for those that abuse the keyword system, this way they wouldnt probably misuse it anymore.

And i really appreciate you for your post in here! been so long since i had written something like this since 2021 happy.png hope i answered most of your questions.