
How to switch sides with the bot?


Does anyone know if there is a way to switch sides with the bot during the match? I'm training openings, and when I create the position on the analysis board and click "finish with the computer", the system always puts me in white and the bot in black. And I want to practice with black.



You have to click on "new game" (+ botton), choose a character and in setting of the bot, click on "?" (it's the central botton between white king botton and black king botton).

This is my exemple:

 Red circle on question mark indicates random color of pieces.

You can obviously choose even black color (to the right).

I hope it is useful.

tuliovianna wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a way to switch sides with the bot during the match? I'm training openings, and when I create the position on the analysis board and click "finish with the computer", the system always puts me in white and the bot in black. And I want to practice with black.



Hit New Game and then Rematch. That will flip colors.


Thanks for the answers, but that was not my question.

During my training with computer, I sometimes feel the need to assume the position of my opponent, keeping exactly the pieces on the board as they are. That is what I would like to do and not start a new game.

tuliovianna wrote:

Thanks for the answers, but that was not my question.

During my training with computer, I sometimes feel the need to assume the position of my opponent, keeping exactly the pieces on the board as they are. That is what I would like to do and not start a new game.


If you use the Finish vs Computer option and the wrong color/side to move is presented, the method I mentioned will keep the position and just switch the player for the side to move.