
no piece and board showing up..its like blindfold


its happening from yesterdary all 3 browsers(opera,chrome ,and internet exploler) no pieces and bord image is showing on live chess...even in chess puzzles or any other thing(not live) on only board is showing not pieces a red x is coming in place of all pieces

i have updated java and removed possible seurity issues..but still it is not working

please help it issue as all other chess sites and images thereon working properly ...

if it is on my computer or browser problem please guide me to resolve


The same is happening to me. No images load on domains (Live chess, tactics trainer, chess mentor, even the avatars in this forum.)
Happens in all internet browsers I used.

Pieces go missing/disappear in live chess when they move. and live chess itself won't finish loading. 


I have same problem. I am using Chrome. Happening since yesterday i.e. 17th April 2014... 

I cleared the cache. I have java version 7 update 55 which is latest one. Installed mozilla firefox and the problem occurs in that browser as well. I also tried changing the pieces and board colours. Didn't help.

Solutions please?


yes this problem is started from 17 april many of us having same problem ......atleast its good that problem is not on our behalf  but i think its only happening in indian there any way we can bring this issue to staff members?

lets hope solve the issue as early as possible


that is so funny - only on indian servers. a bit unlikely though. no offense to indians just a little joke. i dont think so anyway. is international so yeah i dont reckon it is just indians


lol.......offcourse i never mean that they are doing intentionally specially for indians.


Its not the speed of the server at all. All the images combined will be less than 200KB on any board/piece style. A dial up can open that. 


yes ..there is some technical default  which causing this problem

i dont know how longer we have to wait


I'm having the same problem.


Me too, having the same problem. i see the movements of box shadows but not actual pieces. It is happening for few days. I can't play chess. I dont know what is happening. Anyone got the answers?


Clearly a server side problem. Hope the staff fix it soon.


why they are not correcting the problem? now its more than 5 days


i think is over for us


I am having the same problem. I use MTNL Broadband connection. The problem goes away when I use the airtel GPRS internet connection. It seems MTNL server has trouble accessing some links of, or it is likely that has blocked some of its links for MTNL because of heavy traffic of free members from this Indian ISP. Are all those of you having this problem using MTNL internet connection? Which cities are you from? Please register complain of this problem with ISP too. Can any staff member of please take notice to this problem and try to solve it.


yes vivake iam using mtnl internet connection(fiber optics)and iam from delhi. i think you are right about the problem but i havent checked with any other connection but i have tried opening in mobile with airtel connection its shows same problem..also any complaint to mtnl service providers is useless ....i think this problem is occuring only in some states and may be mainly in delhi  now only staff members are only hope for us


Hi Mohit, I live in Delhi too. I am facing the same problem as you are while using my MTNL internet connection. When I connect my mobile with my PC and use its Airtel GPRS internet connection to access internet on the PC, works fine. So, if you try the same thing, you may also be able to access normally. 

We are not being able to use live chess, tactics, and daily chess puzzle on because they all require images and MTNL is not being able to get those images. If you right click on the shadow of unloaded images on and view their web address, you will find that they all have as a part of their links. It means is using Amazon's Cloudfront service to host the images. MTNL is not being able to access any of the stuff hosted at Cloudfront. 

This problem is not limited to If using your MTNL connection you visit other sites that host their content on Amazon's Cloudfront, you will find the same problem--the content would not load. For example, I found another such site:  I was not able to see the background image on the home page of this site with my MTNL internet connection, but it loaded fine with my Airtel GPRS connection. That background image is also hosted at Amazon Cloudfront. The conclusion: MTNL internet server is not being able to access content, at least images, hosted by websites on Amazon cloudfront. should question Amazon why the material hosted on their Cloudfront is inaccessible to MTNL servers. I have registered a complaint with MTNL, and I suggest you should do the same. We should also register this complaint with Amazon Cloudfront.

If other people who are having this problem let us know about their ISP and location, we will be able to know whether the problem is limited to Delhi or it is in other cities and with other ISPs too.  


thanks vivake now atleast we know the problem..vivake i have googled about this problem and found some links

here they have given some way to reslove the issue but iam clearly not able to understand so please check it and tell us is it any effective

if anyone want to check here are some cloudfront distributions


The issue is resolved.

Thanks to any staff that helped fix it, really appreciate it. :)


yeah issue is resolved thanks everyone for help


No ChessFanatic95, no member of staff took any interest in fixing this problem--none of them even came to this thread to enquire about it. But I am sure they must have prayed for us, and that is why either our ISP or Amazon Cloudfront fixed the problem. So, yes staff deserve our thanks and appreciation for praying for us.

I knew something was wrong with the connection between Cloudfront that hosts contents for several websites, including for, and our ISP MTNL. The page Mohit referred to in his post made it clear that DNS server of MTNL was not being able to resolve the address of Amazon Cloudfront. MTNL must have fixed that issue. I could access all the websites normally using MTNL connection by changing my DNS to Google's DNS server, taking a cue from that page, even before MTNL corrected the error.

Numerous customers of various commercial websites were being affected by this problem, and they must have ben nagging MTNL to fix the issue. That is why this government agency had to take action finally. 

This problem has been developing for quite some time now. I was not being able to hear the default sounds of movement of chess pieces in Live Chess for about a fortnight. I am glad like everyone else that the problem has been solved.

Thanks for the link, Mohit.

Above all, thanks again to staff for praying for us; this problem could not have been solved without your active blessings and prayers.