
Team chess tournaments


Since I cannot seem to find information anywhere I hoped my questions would be answered here.
Me and my buds want to start a team and participate in team tournaments, but I cannot find any tournament formats anywhere. the "matches" I found consisted of crazy many games and huge scores. We are only 4 people and I was thinking something like "4 boards, team vs team". ARe there any suchs things in ? Can anyone please help me with some info about team online chess ?
Thank you 


The team vs team matches, for Daily, will only have as many boards as the lesser number of players signing up for it. So, if your players signed up, there would be four boards max.


Since you would be a smaller team, you probably would only want to challenge other small teams that also do matches.


Thank you for the reply. Another swift question. Are there any team competitions for theams with only 4 boards ? Or there a restriction, lets say at least 10 boards, when you play a team touenament ?


I can't seem to find anything about live team matches. Is this possible? Like, the Prochess league. 


You can create your own league for 4 boards teams and invite other small clubs. 


Up to how many teams can you challenge for a tournament?



I am currently organizing a new team contest in rapid chess! Anyone can join, no matter what rating, both individuals and whole groups and join as well!

Some matches will be broadcasted and commented on live on Twitch as well!

16 teams per division with 4 teams in each group, 2 teams progressing, and playoffs till the final and bronze match
• Multiple divisions, first season rating based and the rest based on skill
• 10-minute rapid time control, one match for white and one for black each
• Players can switch teams either during the off-season or transfer season
• Traditional point system of 1 point per win, 0.5 points per draw