
Why is not getting time out but getting time more and more?


i dont know

if it is a bug then how he can elongate it and it is also not showing vocation 





He makes him himself in vacation but he after 1 hour he comes back to the game with some more time like I mentioned in the previous message


There s one more fact in this, every time he goes vacation it seems to get adding time after the vacation. Yesterday evening it was 72 min then he made himself vacation when he came back to game by no vacation the time went back to 3 hours


This isn't a bug. When a player goes on vacation, 24 hours are deducted from their vacation bank automatically. If the player comes off of vacation before those 24 hours have elapsed, the difference gets added to the clocks on any games where they are on the move, up to the time control, excluding no-vacation tourney games.



but when he is not in vacation also gets added time

Martin_Stahl wrote:

There s one more fact in this, every time he goes vacation it seems to get adding time after the vacation. Yesterday evening it was 72 min then he made himself vacation when he came back to game by no vacation the time went back to 3 hours


This isn't a bug. When a player goes on vacation, 24 hours are deducted from their vacation bank automatically. If the player comes off of vacation before those 24 hours have elapsed, the difference gets added to the clocks on any games where they are on the move, up to the time control, excluding no-vacation tourney games.


Sir, I understand what did you explain but I don't understand still today morning also it says the he has more 3 hours 


Yesterday it said 3 hours it seem not to change just this game other games are going on the right way. 


Yesterday it said 3 hours it seem not to change just this game other games are going on the right way. 


If it stays at 3 hours, one if two things are happening. The player stays on vacation, or is using most of the 24 hours, enough so the add back doesn't change the display.


it is continuing from more than 3 days


oh i saw now he is on vocation 


He is on vacation though , but he doesn't comes vacation most of the time actually


But it almost seems like my opponent s time doesn't decrease from 2 hours but later it changes to 4 hours. This seems to be like a cycle 


But it almost seems like my opponent s time doesn't decrease from 2 hours but later it changes to 4 hours. This seems to be like a cycle 


As I said, hour opponent may come off vacation 22-23.5 hours sometimes, which will add the unused time to the clocks. When it doesn't change, then they didn't likely come off vacation.


Oh okay 


So that means how much time will it take make him time out it's kind if annoying that he is not moving


I checked with my opponent s profile he has the same tournament games as I have as we are in same group. The other games also stay like that I checked it like two times until now 


one of my opponent is also doing same, game link

this is a tournament game and i am one the first rank and she know that she will lose so she just waste time to disturb their opponent. She is online every day and play games every day but she do not play her move and play at the end for disturbing their opponent.

I know takes action in live games even when in live game like 15 mins game, it opponent found that he is losing and just spend all of the time such for the idea of wasting time of the opponent. Even i saw such players who were warned by and still the do so then the got ban for this. I think had also have to take action against players who play daily game and wasting time of opponent in this way.


I understand especially your playing long day games 


My situation is like my game is 1 day time. It seems to me like he will never get time out never play a move though tear.png


Your opponent will eventually move or run out of vacation and then move or lose on time. If they are using vacation to drag out a hopelessly lost game, you can report it.