
Your account is restricted for violations of our Sportsmanship Policy.

Martin_Stahl wrote:
htdavid wrote:
glamdring27 wrote:

Software has bugs.  Especially in areas that are rarely tested or weren't considered.  Whether this is one or not I have no idea, but bugs in any software certainly don't get fixed when nobody reports them.

The name of this forum is Help&Support

Is it unreasonable for me to expect somebody on the staff to read?

Otherwise, why there is a Help and Support forum if not to kind of... help and support users?

If they are not reading this, do they read support tickets? or should I write a letter and deposit it on the "Suggestions Box"?


I'm sure staff read posts here, it's just normally read by other members and answered by them.

That system will work better if first the community is educated on the topics, so people can give good answers... otherwise you end up with a bunch of confused people trying to collectible guess why stuff is not working.

When people ask a repeated question, other people can give the correct answer only if when the correct answer was giving correctly the first few times...

After my encounter with the Machine Learning algorithm... I have being reading more of this supprt forums and I can say, this system of letting the community on their own to figure is out is for the most part broken.

Thanks to this incident I am shopping around for options, I found this interesting looking page:

Communicating to people how the website works is not really that hard.

I know others have had issues with getting restrictions based on playing the engines in Live. I'm sure others have reported it and I also submitted it as a report the day you posted this forum. Can't guarantee it will help, but I can't imagine a reason why games against the official engine account shouldn't be excluded from those checks.

The report you submitted have being ignored, I am still being block to play the computer and I am still being told to play with my "friends" even after I mention that I don't have friends and that I have some level of mental disability that makes it hard for me to find friends... Every time I read that "play with your friends" line, I feel the Management of this website is making fun of me for not having friends. Please read my second post on page 1.

You file a report 3 days ago, how long they usually take to do something about a report filed by a staff member? You being from staff you yourself don't have a better line of communication with other staff? I am assuming here that you didn't lifted the ban because you can't...

In regards to this line:

"I can't imagine a reason why games against the official engine account shouldn't be excluded from those checks"

Because the Sportsmanship Code is meant to make chess enjoyable between humans, it is meaningless and uselessness between human and machine. Even me with my level of disability that prevents me to understanding social norms can figure this out out... why you needed me to explain it to you?

Look at it this way, the whole point of the sportsmanship code is to have a better community so here a couple of questions:

Does it benefit the community to force me to follow the sportsmanship code when I play the computer only?

Is this a better community now that I can't play the computer and instead I am being told to play my "friends"???


Stuff in red is my answer.

melvinbluestone wrote:
htdavid wrote:
melvinbluestone wrote:


   Hey, I'm on your side. 

       But I think you may have missed one of my points:

              "I don't mind the automation of the service, what I criticize about it is how poorly written this algorithms are

     I contend it is poorly written because there is no good way to write it. You can't teach a computer good manners. You can create software that tries to recognize it, or 'good sportsmanship' or whatever, but it will always be far from even moderately successful. Otherwise Facebook and YouTube would have found a way to stop lunatics from posting the dangerous and inflammatory messages and videos that keep finding their way onto the internet. It's not for lack of trying. I don't think Mark Zuckerberg wants that kind of stuff getting out there via his website. It's just hard to control. And in the process of trying to curtail it, some innocent folks, like you, get caught up in process. Or, as Hesse would say, "they get crushed beneath the wheel"...........

This is a very interesting point, I never saw it that way before...

I always though that the code can be written good enough that it can match or even outperform a human... after all I see the job of writing computer code similar to the job of training a human.

A human will interpreted and make judgement calls, this can be a good or a bad think depending on a whole lot of factor about this human. (Education, integrity, IQ, personal agenda...)

The computer will not make judgement calls, so the code have to be extensive and complete, to factor and provide for a lot of subtle variables.

For example capping people for more than 3 posts is sloppy codding... it should have a bunch of IF codes there, to account for the situations where a person need to do this and is not for spamming.

That is how I see it and understand it... I never considered this you say here... that regardless of how sophisticated the code is it will never manage to do the expected task because it lacks the ability to do judgement calls.

Really good point, I don't have anything to offer to argue against it... it is very possible that you are rigth here... The only thing I cam offer is to say that some people is worse than the code... though I can understand that the code might never be as good as people.


Are you Anon?

htdavid wrote:
Sonic2009 wrote:
htdavid wrote:
Sonic2009 wrote:

It probably happened because when you were playing against real people, they said you were a bad sport, and the staff only just noticed it a day ago. You did say people treat you badly, right?


Please look at the screenshot I attached. I do not play against real people. All my Opponents are different numbers of Komodo, that is the name of the computer.

I have not play a human 2 days ago, I have not play a human 2 weeks ago, I have not play a human 2 months ago...

"On top of that, your last proper opponent wasted their Queen, and you just took it, and some people don't really like that."

I don't know what game was that? it was against Komodo? the computer is program to make blunders depending on the level it is set to play.

Umm... all my info is correct...

The thing is that you came with a bunch of theories about why this could have possible happens. If I recall correctly you even said that I could have get punished for resigning games? Other member said that can actually be consider good sportsmanship... so... I got ban from Live Chess because I didn't resign a lost game?

Did I got ban because somebody blunder a queen and I took it? Is is bad sportsmanship to win? I really would like to know game was that, like what date? I have not play people in a long long time... someone reported me 10 years ago and the staff just toke action today? that is your theory?

The final impression is that you don't have idea why I got blocked to play games... I don't have idea, all they did was gave me a link... But they never explained to me what was the problem, just a link and I am suppose to read the link and try to figure out what I did wrong... At this point I wonder if the staff of the website know why I got the ban from live chess.

My theory is that when I blunder and lose the game I leave the game, usually by navigating to the Forums, it ask me if I am sure if I want to leave, and I click the button that says Leave Page... I don't really know if this is the problem but I think I got punished because when I leave the game i click the wrong button. However This can't be, If they have a JavaScript pop up window to ask me if I want to leave and I say yes, they should understand this as my Resign intention. After they code a popup window to ask me if I am abandoning the game, they can't pretend I didn't click a button confirming that I am abandoning the game... Makes sense?

However this is my theory, but I don't really know. They could have number the diferent parts of the sportsmanship code and at least give me the number of it...

As I said, poorly written code, all around.


GUT Assignment

Learning intention: To successfully incorporate notions, ideas and dogmas from any of twistor theory, string theory or loop quantum gravity to eloquently describe a case which is at first sight, unrelated. Focuses on the yin yang concept.

Magnificent allusion to how string theory is clearly superior to all attempts to unify QM and GR. You impeccably illustrate that the strings can be somewhat ambiguous, with a plethora of references to how it applies in theory of computation and automata. Mark:26/10 grin.png

SunTzu_56 wrote:

Are you Anon?


If you are alluding to the SorryImAnon account, I would implore you to abstain from bringing up such things. They can lead to a thread within a thread, like the successor limit hierarchy of multiple levels. The main point, howbeit, is that they could potentially instigate uproar from other users of We have already devoted a discussion to such an account, and if you wish to express your beliefs and thoughts on the subject of matter, then you have the latitude to perform such actions all you desire.


and into The Deep.....


Just an FYI for the group involved in this thread, we were able to reach out to OP and fix the problem, and he is playing again.

He is welcome to share the details if he wants, but out of respect for his privacy, I'll leave that up to him.


Hooray! Great job guys!!




Well I already made a public announcement that I am "leaving the website" witch makes this a little bit awkward now...

Anyway, decided to give the update here, as @Izikoo was working with me in private messages until the problem was resolved.

Also I finally got an explanation of what was the problem: When abandoning games I need to click the correct buttons on the correct order, remembering that "Resign" is the fist one, so that also solves the questions, resigning games is good "sportsmanship".

They are not going to code anything to make the live computer exempt of any rule that applies to an human. So they really believe in equal rights for machines... the advise here is to treat the computer like a human. (I guess this also means not like I usually treat humans, but better... treat the machine like I treat humans assuming I treat humans good... so now I need to install the new morals update).

Also I got the inside breaking news that they are working on a better Computer interface. As long a better does not means emojis.... I am exited about this.

What else???

Ah, almost forgot... I toke the opportunity to complain about other stuff... and as the 3 post limit feature seems to be something popular to complain about so I made sure to let @izikoo know how much broken this feature is.

Judging for his answer, it looks like he is aware the feature is not working to a good standard. Apparently it is an emergency patch they have to put on place so an army of spam bots does not take over the forum (Looks like I am not the only one suffering machine learning algorithms).

By all metrics they consider that having this feature with all that defects and inconveniences it have is a lot much better than don't have any. However, they are working on making it better... I don't know how many developers they have, but after reading this support forum for a while, it looks like they are working in a lot of future things...

Anyway, I found this approach interesting (the 3 post limit), as I am a webmaster myself, and usually what you try first is to set up a captcha on the register form... a good captcha have proven to be a really effective wall against bots... Makes me wonder what is the nature of this attacks... as if the attack came from new accounts the captcha should have being the first thing to try... maybe the spammers are old accounts?

Whatever it is, right now we have the machine learning spam bots fighting against the machine learning chess bot. and while this machines are fighting for the forum cyberspace... there will be some human casualties along the way. This answers the questions of how WWIII looks like.


Thanks, very interesting.


I agree, this site is getting OCD and the mods (or auto-detection systems) are becoming narcissistic and extremely unreasonable.

htdavid wrote:


Anyway, I found this approach interesting (the 3 post limit), as I am a webmaster myself, and usually what you try first is to set up a captcha on the register form... a good captcha have proven to be a really effective wall against bots... Makes me wonder what is the nature of this attacks... as if the attack came from new accounts the captcha should have being the first thing to try... maybe the spammers are old accounts?

Whatever it is, right now we have the machine learning spam bots fighting against the machine learning chess bot. and while this machines are fighting for the forum cyberspace... there will be some human casualties along the way. This answers the questions of how WWIII looks like.


Pretty sure the spam is coming from actual people based on the methods used and the changing tactics, though I guess it is possible it is bot driven. That said, most of the regular spammers don't post more than once in a topic and I think the 3 post limit is to counter a different breed of poster, not posting spam specifically.

htdavid wrote:

Also I got the inside breaking news that they are working on a better Computer interface. As long a better does not means emojis.... I am exited about this.


...Looks around nervously and quietly deletes the library of emoji chess pieces...


> Tell me your honest opinion... if I open a ticket, you think a person will read it or you think it will just get processed by an algorithm, accordingly to some line of code? support tickets are not processed by an algorithm/AI/bot.

100% humans (not cyborgs) read all reports/tickets, sort, answer and fix them.


Hi @htdavid . Would you mind explaining why you are repeatedly starting games and then aborting them? 

erik wrote:

Hi @htdavid . Would you mind explaining why you are repeatedly starting games and then aborting them? 


I'm not playing people, I am not good at dealing with people... your rules are meant to force people to be nice to each other. You are trying to teach me good "sportsmanship", that is kind of you... I am trying to learn your rules, but I'm afraid that will be another skill I will have to learn and never use in practice.

But I am not complaining, I'm getting free sportsmanship training, and I am thankful for that.

To answer  your question, if you see a bunch of recent aborted games, that must have being me and @izikoo trying to replicate the problem and testing that it is working good after he load my chess account with extra lives.

endgame347 wrote:

What a rant lol, anyway I thought you was leaving- please leave asap. Thank you

As far as I notice, this is the 3rd message in forums and 1 personal note on my profile that you leave me, mocking me and kicking me out...

I don't know who you are, never see you before, and I don't know why you are obsessing with me.

I don't know what is your problem in life, but whatever it is, it is not my fault, go take your nasty anger to someone that deserves it.


congrandolor wrote:

Once I said some bad words to my computer then she stop speaking to me for a week.

Please behave properly against Robots! happy.png



(Martin, thank you for correcting me. You are right, it is not about "vs Computer", it is about "vs bot". I edited my answer. The original answer can be seen in the quote.)

@htdavid, Erik asked you "... why you are repeatedly starting games and then aborting them?" not to "just ask and forget", but to get your feedback which we'll then use to make player experience better. What is the reason to abort many games vs bots?

We can add/rename/remove/change buttons/links/policy, but we need to know the reason/motivation of players.