
Rating System


Can anyone please explain how the value of points are awarded or taken away are calculated? (example i'm rated 1000 and they are rated 700 why do i only get one point for a win to bring me up to 1001 whereas if i'm rated 1100 and they are rated 1300 i get en points deducted when i lose)




However, in a nutshell:


You gain more points for beating those above you, than those below you.


You lose more points for losing to those below you, than those above you.


Though the OP's question seems to also touch the lifespan of a rating.

If you and/or your opponent haven't clocked in ENOUGH + RECENT games, the math changes quite a bit and it becomes a little more puzzling, even with Doggy_Style's short and sweet summary.

Shivsky wrote:

Though the OP's question seems to also touch the lifespan of a rating.

If you and/or your opponent haven't clocked in ENOUGH + RECENT games, the math changes quite a bit and it becomes a little more puzzling, even with Doggy_Style's short and sweet summary.

Ah yes, checking his profile reveals very few games played.