Keep getting reconnecting issue in every game and losing on time. The internet is fine. I have tried with chrome/safari and the app as well but no luck.
Says 'Reconnecting' even though Internet is fine... lost game

Impossible to get into any rhythm playing bullet with the lag and the disconnecting constantly happening, does it lag as bad if you buy a membership?
Happens to me frequently recently. Internet is fine (other sites load instantly), but the game window shows a red bar and states 'Reconnecting...'.
Fix your servers,, this is getting annoying!

Just recently I've started losing connection (and games). It seems to be happening with increasing frequency. The site is approaching the point of being worthless. Any solution forthcoming?

Just recently I've started losing connection (and games). It seems to be happening with increasing frequency. The site is approaching the point of being worthless. Any solution forthcoming?
I'm not aware of any systemic issues.
There are some things that can be done to minimize connection issues on the client side.
Suddenly started happening to me. Last game I played, the Chesscom computer said it was reconnecting and after less than a minute it let me make my move. Then I watched my opponents clock run down.
I could see the natural move that he never made. Was he on the phone? Had something happened to him? When the clock went to zero it didn't say "won on time" I lost points.
That has happened to me a few times in the last couple of days. My internet connection seems OK and I can't see any reports of broken international cables.