
"Time player" 1 0


Isn't playing with time part of the goal of 1 0? Admittedly it's frustrating when your opponent plays on down 3 queens, or wins because he still have 1 pawn left, but it is kinda your job to finish him before you flag right? 

At the same time I get the frustration of people who call others "timeplayers" but...


1/2 + 0 bullet is even more about time - actually, pretty sure 90% or more of the games decide on time :)

nicholasmaul17 wrote:

Oh yes, I do it all the time, if you can't win in under 60 seconds then don't play bullet... that said it is annoying when you lose to someone because of a pawn, but even so, I think of it as all part of the give and take, if you play enough then eventually it just becomes part of the game, they don't have to resign if they don't want to, and you just have to deal with it. A win is a win, no matter how you come by it... like if you were lost but your opponent blundered a mate in one... I'd take that every time over a loss.

wholeheartedly agree happy.png