
Share with us some of your favorite puzzle-composition, endgame study, puzzle !?



I thought of f4 first, but didn't see anything as just ...a3 ignoring it is good and I sensed lots of ideas of Bishop to stop the black a-pawn, but couldn't find a way. After a while, I looked up the solution. I'll keep it to myself so others can try this position too, but this is a nice endgame study. I completely missed the key idea grin.png

KeSetoKaiba wrote:

I thought of f4 first, but didn't see anything as just ...a3 ignoring it is good and I sensed lots of ideas of Bishop to stop the black a-pawn, but couldn't find a way. After a while, I looked up the solution. I'll keep it to myself so others can try this position too, but this is a nice endgame study. I completely missed the key idea

Glad you like it , I love this one too , that's why it got to be my favorite one.

You are smart man thanks for keeping the answer to yourself and not spoil for others !


Feel free to share similar beautiful studies - puzzles with us., thanks.


Okay here is one of many studies I like. This is from Mitrofanov; study composed in 1967.



If people like this one, then I may share a few other studies I like later as well happy.png

Wait why is the pawn on d3, shouldn’t it be on d2
KeSetoKaiba wrote:

Okay here is one of many studies I like. This is from Mitrofanov; study composed in 1967.


A very famous study with a ridiculously unexpected move! I think, if you haven't seen this study it will surely amaze you!