
Tactic trainer make a mistake!


The problem No 0023770 with an "official" sollution:











It's OK. However, look at a possition after the first move. It's an additionall solution:




hehe ur right.  What was the solution the trainer presented?
When you are doing problems in tactics trainer, there is a link in the upper right hand corner of the window that says "report problem". If you click this link, the staff will be alerted that there is a mistake in the problem. I recommend also putting your reason, including analysis, in the comments of the problem so that the staff can see it when they get your report.

@ih8sens: trainer presented the first sollution, I call it "official".

@Loomis: thx!  

Thank you for reporting this Tactics Trainer problem. We have removed the problem as it has a multiple solution and we cannot incorporate a problem with multiple solutions in the Tactics Trainer.