
Guess Winerkleiner's Secret #2

Joseph-S wrote:

Until you cough up some more hints winekleinr, we're forced to go out on a limb here; so I'll say a color blind midget?

Color blind because I'd see that your clothes colors clash and your socks don't match.

It took 79 posts but Joseph is the warmest yet!!

Joseph-S wrote:

A crossdresser?  If so, you're better off keeping that a secret because we don't want to know.

Lol no never, well once on Halloween, and a couple buddies tossed me in one of those funny-boy's bars...I found Frank was nice, we danced for hours, just kidding!!  But cold not my secret.


ok clues?

snakesbelly wrote:

You are one of those people who has foamy saliva form in the corner of their mouths when they speak,you probably drool too because you always breathe with your mouth open and when you get upset you properly foam at the mouth like a rabid dog it is therefor quite likely that you have six instead of five fingers on your lefthand which would definitely be the cause of your nervous twitch the stress of which lead to you being squint eyed,normally with folks like you there is also impaired hearing which, as Joseph-s stated, would cause you to be color blind, I suspect,and this is only guess work that you cut off your own chin in a shaving accident and that you are wearing a false beard to cover the scar. Hot?

Lol a color-blind nervous stressed-out buggy-eyed dude with a scratchy beard, close but cold not my secret.

chrisr2212 wrote:


guys, ye're slow!!

Is that Steve MCqueen or Steve the Queen, lol

snakesbelly wrote:

You have a tail,there is a medical name for it,one of those underdeveloped tails that grows out of your spine,your trousers are all fitted with holes in the back to let the tail through. On moonlit nights you have an incredible and almost overwhelming urge to howl at the moon ,you chase cars and cats and have on occasion tried to hump visitors' legs with a far off expression on your face,you sniff people and lick your wife's hand when she gives you dinner,when you sleep you make soft whining noises,you love fire hydrants and your wife has recently been leaving brosures advertising choke collors about the house,you probably lick yourself ( don't what to dwell on this) ,when you get wet you smell funny,you are always burying left over food in the garden,when you make a joke your friend tend to say " you ol' dog you " a lot,when you remember to buy milk your wife says " good boy" ,you shed, you sometimes chase your own tail and jump up and down when excited ,you are afraid of lightning and fireworks,you can hear candy being unwrapped a mile off or you have a green home made tattoo of woody woodpecker on your neck.

Lol, this would be spot on about me but I am not married so cold not my secret.

snakesbelly wrote:

Perhaps it's his real name that is the secret? Your real name is Gonewiththewind

Lol nope, the clue is if you ever met me in person you would know my secret, a name would refute this-but cold not my secret.


You have terrible fashion sense?

corrijean wrote:

You have terrible fashion sense?


Well yes I do, lol but cold not my secret.

chubbychocobo wrote:
winerkleiner wrote:
snakesbelly wrote:

Perhaps it's his real name that is the secret? Your real name is Gonewiththewind

Lol nope, the clue is if you ever met me in person you would know my secret, a name would refute this-but cold not my secret.

or PleaseStandDownWind?

Lol that goes without saying, but cold not my secret.
Tomorrow will be this forum's 3 week time frame, I will give a huge clue then.  Rack your brains


Your socks don't match?

corrijean wrote:

Your socks don't match?


Lol but they do, holes and all, but cold not my secret.


Heterochromia, saw something about it in a movie

snakesbelly wrote:

Heterochromia...umh,dunno, still say his eyes are different colors.

too cute snakebelly, it is a condition,

where one eye is blue, one eye is brown,

snakesbelly wrote:

By " too cute" do you mean that was overly cute or just that it was very cute? Also by " cute " do you mean funny ,trying to be funny or small duck class cute? I'm asking because I recently made a comment in a game against a guy and he said " cute" and it made me feel very uncomfortable ,then came the over analysis ,the sleepless nights now I'm just not sure anymore

a mixture of small duck cute and funny

maybe it is ok for that guy to say cute, or sweet, I think, but I feel it is in the context of how it was expressed to you, and how it continued from there, yeah then the sleepless nights will come


uhmmm he likes blocked bishops, or bishops that are blocked, they are known as bad bishops, so he was glad that you had a bad bishop,

if a singular word was expressed, then it might have been just an expression, a weird expression though it maybe,

or maybe it was just better he timed out and typed nothing else, that would be safer,


pawn avatar, or two pawns that are together,

or two King pieces standing together with candlelight and roses and wine all around, that is worrying

singular chess piece seem safe, but what do I know,

off topic, dont know, I am sure Winerkleiner will be ok with it, I think


I think Winerkleiner went through that Orion thing and stated it was cold


ok winerkleiner,

you said that you have got fashion sense, no nose hair, no alien, uhmmm

I need clues here

chrisr2212 wrote:

he's small for his size

you will get a mod editCool