
If the universe requires a creator then the creator should require a creator = religion is made-up


@drpsholder, I see your darkest secret is be a champanzee, well, pray to your god darwin and he might honor your wish.


i asked for clarification of what you wrote, Mr Stephenson, as you have been making unqualified statements.

it appears your only method of communication is via attacks.

make your statements as general and vague as possible, avoid questions and then state

"very simple, you do not even know what i said".

did you go to school ?


Do you have an aversion to the word God ?

You write G-D. What is this ? (my 2nd time asking)


Yes i did ask you questions, and i see your only way to respond is to avoid them and repeat them back at me.

This is not an adult way to behave.

Clearly your only motive here is to make trouble. Thats what trolling is. Being deliberately disruptive, as distinct from the definition of disliking someone hence they are troll.


Oh sweet baby Jesis! 

The topic is not evolution.


Can I just remind everyone that God may exist without him doing intelligent design. Therefore disproving intelligent design does not deny the existance of God.

Can I also point out that evolution is in many ways an unscientefic theory. Because a scientefic theory must be disprovable. If I dropped an apple and it floated away from the largest mass in the vicinity, that would instantly disprove the current theory of how gravity works. What evidence would be needed to disprove evolution?

yureesystem wrote:

@drpsholder, I see your darkest secret is be a champanzee, well, pray to your god darwin and he might honor your wish.

Two things I would like to say - if I could. First, he would hafta find a Darwin statue - besides a fish on the back of a car. And then he can go ahead and knock himself out loving the fact that he comes from a filthy yucky monkey w/ brown teeth who picks his point of exit. Revel in ur ancestors Dr. Primate Simian Holder (of your proud ancestry) ! 


Ok I will wait until alex-rodriguez, dprsholder and Stephenson2 grow big enough balls to engage in a conversation instead of babyish trolling.


I luv SB103's approach to stuff !!

And you're correct. It's call a theory for a good reason !


Evolution is not science, but science is evolving to where it knows evolution is king and there is no God.

Remembering our troops & all of the lives lost 14 years ago today. Semper Fi
yureesystem wrote:

alex-rodriguez wrote:

Hill61 wrote:

I read the King James Version, it is the true Word of God, not the NAB, or any other.

Not surprised you're a bible thumper. Bible thumpers are the extremists, about equal to the Islamic State.  







You make me laugh, seriously you can't believe this? Modern Christians have done much good like feeding the poor, providing medical care to the poor, building wells to provide water for improvish countries and more. What has evolution done for this world? It brought more violence and misery because if there is no God, there is no morals. It's you who believes in the easter bunny or darwin is your god. alex, you are still in dark ages, maybe you still believe in a flat earth.   Its very simple, God created everything according to its kind and that refute evolution, sorry that is truth.  

And they also want to keep people from having the same rights as gay marriage.

They also like to kill abortion doctors.  They also portray the idea that people who are poor are that way because they are other reason, just lazy.

Christians are evil people. Sad that you CANT understand this no matter how hard you try! LMAO!

yureesystem wrote:

alex-rodriguez wrote:

Hill61 wrote:

I read the King James Version, it is the true Word of God, not the NAB, or any other.

Not surprised you're a bible thumper. Bible thumpers are the extremists, about equal to the Islamic State.  







You make me laugh, seriously you can't believe this? Modern Christians have done much good like feeding the poor, providing medical care to the poor, building wells to provide water for improvish countries and more. What has evolution done for this world? It brought more violence and misery because if there is no God, there is no morals. It's you who believes in the easter bunny or darwin is your god. alex, you are still in dark ages, maybe you still believe in a flat earth.   Its very simple, God created everything according to its kind and that refute evolution, sorry that is truth.  

Oh forgot to have yet to offer any evidence of this god.

I knew you couldn't understand........and you prove me correct with each post. Thanks! WHAHAHAHAHA


Yureesystem, and I see that your biggest enemy is facts and evidence and I pray to your god that he stops hiding this ability from you..........but your god has a habit of letting his ilk look very stupid.

He gets a kick out of the entertainment because you CANT find people willing to say very stupid things with a straight face.

thanks guys. We COULDN'T laugh without you! WHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

iluvzmetuna wrote:

Ok I will wait until alex-rodriguez, dprsholder and Stephenson2 grow big enough balls to engage in a conversation instead of babyish trolling.

Sorry that you have no evidence for your god!  I wonder what on the face of the earth would keep you believing in stupid things?

FEAR? FEAR of your very own personal god?  Ahhhhh, no wonder you CANT understand.

If its not fear, then it must be stupidity that keeping you from learing. Which is it? WHAHAHAHAA

iluvzmetuna wrote:

Evolution is not science, but science is evolving to where it knows evolution is king and there is no God.


Evolution is science. SEE?  Just when I thought you guys couldn't say dumber step up to the plate and prove me wrong, which causes me to change my beliefs.

I used to think you were sane, but based on the evidence that you supply, I now believe differently. You are insane!

Thanks for saying stupid things and entertaining us! We couldn't laugh without you! WHAHAHAHAHAA

The_Ghostess_Lola wrote:

I luv SB103's approach to stuff !!

And you're correct. It's call a theory for a good reason !

WHOA!  Careful, it appears that you are learning..........but I reserve the right to not change my belief until more evidence is provided.

You are so correct, its called a theory because theories are explanations of natural phenomenon. So yes, its called a theory because it explains the evidence that we have before us.

Kudos Lola! It appears as though you are learning. Careful though, don't want your god to see you learn something new...........he might punish you in hell for eternity.  Be afraid, be very afraid.


The_Ghostess_Lola wrote:

(#1556)....everything can be explained with out needing g-d.

Oh no it can't S2 !

Explain how life first formed. Explain the Arrow of Time. Explain how matter from the so-called BB came about. Explain what is beyond the so-called Particle Horizon. Explain in detail the workings of a so-called black hole.

Need some more questions ?

Dont have to!  How many times do we have to tell you?  Or should we just give up because your intelligence is too low for you to understand?

What's the reason for not being able to understand very simple logic? Stupidity or some other reason? 

The_Ghostess_Lola wrote:

(#1556)....everything can be explained with out needing g-d.

Oh no it can't S2 !

Explain how life first formed. Explain the Arrow of Time. Explain how matter from the so-called BB came about. Explain what is beyond the so-called Particle Horizon. Explain in detail the workings of a so-called black hole.

Need some more questions ?

We couldn't explain harvests. People used to pray to the gods for a good harvest.  Well, that turned out wrong, huh? WHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

So you see?  Nah, you can't. You don't have the mental capabilities to understand. We know this to be true because you have yet to understand.  Simple huh? WHAHAHAHAHA

So even the things we cant explain........don't have a supernatural cause. They have a natural cause.

So Gawd isn't needed at all. Sorry you just CANT comprehend simple logic and then you wonder why we laugh at you! WHAHAHAHAH


"So even the things we cant explain........don't have a supernatural cause. They have a natural cause."

What's your proof for that?

Many things are unexplained in science. It's foolish, unscientefic even, to write off things we don't understand yet as "supernatural bullshit" and say they don't exist.

" Sorry you just CANT comprehend simple logic and then you wonder why we laugh at you! WHAHAHAHAH"

Nice work attacking the person instead of the argument, btw.

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