
Odds & Ends ( etc )



Wage a combat of wits/ingenuity vs rabbits. :)


Like Bugs Bunny. :)



(But they're clever those rabbits just like him:)

netzach wrote:


(But they're clever those rabbits just like him:)

--- Well we know what Elmer Fudd says as soon as he sees Bugs ( " You Wrascally Wrabbit ! " ).

On the ice cream flavours we have: Bacon & Cheese ( Thanks AlCzervik ); Lettuce ( Thanks Netzach ). Then we have the idea of using lots of ice cream and maple syrup on top of toast for a Waffle-flavour ( Thanks Ivandh ).   


From time to time I try to be helpful ( not to often tho  lol ). It seems that the folks over at the US Mint need some help as they have just printed up 30,000,000 brand new $ 100 dollar bills that seem to have a minor flaw in each one. It has cost them money to print these bills and I want to help get rid of them. If the US Mint would send me a mailing adress I would be very happy to order a small suitcase full of these bills to help out ( and I'm sure that I find a few other people to do the same ).


This is an item that is a few months old and may have been posted here before but I like it a lot: A fellow in Florida ran out of Budweiser Beer so he called 911. I gather that he did not get any Beer but did get some legal problems ( Hey not every emergency is a big one ! ).


Here's an article about a building that melts cars.


Wh wa wait what..?

ivandh wrote:

Wh wa wait what..?

Very good questions Ivandh, I often wonder the same type of thing myself.

Today one might make this statement: " Stupid is as Stupid does " ( in relation to the IOC ). Greco-Roman Wrestling ( ie real wrestling ) was in the Olympic Games in ancient times and the IOC wanted to drop that sport, unbelievable.


There is a group of people on this planet who feel that the world will end very soon. However are there any signs that show the end is near ? Well let's see, Ben Afflec is going to be Batman and now we have this rumor the Justin Bieber is reading for the part of Robin. Ok is   now the time to cue the Fat Lady ??? 


cabadenwurt a écrit :
ivandh wrote:

Wh wa wait what..?

Very good questions Ivandh, I often wonder the same type of thing myself.

Today one might make this statement: " Stupid is as Stupid does " ( in relation to the IOC ). Greco-Roman Wrestling ( ie real wrestling ) was in the Olympic Games in ancient times and the IOC wanted to drop that sport, unbelievable.

I remember reading about a certain type of wrestling, where the only rule was no eye-gouging. It was outlawed in ancient Sparta (!), because the only way for it to end was in death or submission, and a Spartan is never allowed to give up.

As far as the end of the world, I do know we are all going to die, but at various different times over the next 70 or so years (depending how old the youngest readers are).


Yesterday was apparently Talk Like a Pirate day. I guess I missed the boat on that.


That ship has now sailed.

corrijean wrote:

That ship has now sailed.

Thanks for the recent posts.

Speaking of sailing I should mention " The Hunt For Red October " at this time as I quite enjoyed the film that was based on Tom Clancey's book of the same name. Clancey just passed away the other day at age 66.


Yes, I heard about that. A bit young to be biting the bullet. Reminds me of Brian Setzer's line, We only got 60 years on the planet; and if you get any more, you might wish that you hadn't.

As a kid I was crazy about submarines, but I guess that goes in another thread. I will only say this here: there are more planes underwater than there are subs in the sky.

ivandh wrote:

Yes, I heard about that. A bit young to be biting the bullet. Reminds me of Brian Setzer's line, We only got 60 years on the planet; and if you get any more, you might wish that you hadn't.

As a kid I was crazy about submarines, but I guess that goes in another thread. I will only say this here: there are more planes underwater than there are subs in the sky.

Thanks for the post Ivandh. Yes I have been a fan of subs also, I quite like tha British K-boats. They were steam powered, quite wierd and wonderful to be sure.

In the area of good news Garry Kasparov is running for President of the FIDE, let us hope that he gets in. It is time to get back to having a President that knows something about Chess.



Maybe that helps explain the thread, "Where is pfren?"



Greece has ouzo. I like it. Tastes like licorice.