
The Beatles or The Rolling Stones or who ? ( or even the Who ? )


Mark Romanek said of Johnny Cash's video in The Guardian September 24, 2005: "Johnny's producer, Rick Rubin, played me this track long before its release and I was so struck by it I said, 'We have to film something to go with this.' I'm a massive Johnny Cash fan and had been lined up to shoot a video for him a few years before which Anton Corbijn ended up doing instead. So this time I made Rick promise me I could make it. He called me on a Tuesday and said, 'Johnny's going on holiday to his ranch in Jamaica on Saturday so if you want to make this you better make it quick.'

I'm someone who usually takes a minimum of two weeks to prep a video but this was Johnny Cash. So I jumped on a redeye to Nashville with my producer and a cameraman and arrived on Friday with no idea of what I was going to make. I looked around the house and made a few suggestions of where we might film Johnny performing. I was making it up off the top of my head. Then I went to the House of Cash Museum and found it in total disrepair.

There was no time to clean it up so I decided that I'd just film it, and Johnny, exactly as they were. He was no longer in his prime - he was fading and that was what I wanted to show. While I was filming the opening segment of Johnny playing guitar in his living room, his wife, June, came down the stairs and watched. The look on her face was so complex: full of love and pride and concern for her husband. So I asked her if I could film her too and she agreed. But the most important element was when we discovered a film archive in the museum. When we looked back at the rushes we'd filmed at the house we thought they were good but not great. But once we dropped in the archive footage of Johnny we realized that was the soul of the video. The whole thing was so spontaneous. It's made me realize that sometimes you can be too prepared and that there's some value to urgency."

The video was so intimate that Cash's management didn't think it should be released, and Johnny was leaning in that direction. According to Rick Rubin, it was his daughter, Rosanne Cash, who convinced him to let it go. June Carter Cash, died later that year.


Eric Clapton


This one made me laugh.

Metalhead spent years refusing to listen to Disturbed's cover of The Sound of Silence. Despite owning the CD even.

A few days ago, he finally does.

Dude literally breaks down crying!



Watch how red his face is, by the end.


That is quite Disturbing  lol.


In 1996, after releasing two of the great rock albums of all time in just two years, Oasis played Knebworth.

Three million people applied for tickets, enough to sell out the venue 24 times.

I don't think there's any touring entertainment whatsoever (music, sport, anything) that can even come close to drawing people like that at the minute.

In fact, I think it was only the Rolling Stones that have had a show like it where they were turning people away in such numbers.

To put it into perspective, the WWE wrestling held Summerslam and struggled to sell out Wembley a few years earlier - still one of their most popular events to this day (which is less than 100 thousand).


i'm not sure i would even include oasis in my top 100 bands;  'bittersweet symphony' was played to exhaustion early on & i can't stand the lead singer's whiny voice anymore:

about 10 years ago i switched from classic rock to classical & now i listen to primarily baroque chamber orchestras playing bach, haydn, vivaldi, tellaman...

far better music in my humble opinion.   🙂




technical_knockout wrote:

i'm not sure i would even include oasis in my top 100 bands;  'bittersweet symphony' was played to exhaustion early on & i can't stand the lead singer's whiny voice anymore:

about 10 years ago i switched from classic rock to classical & now i listen to primarily baroque chamber orchestras playing bach, haydn, vivaldi, tellaman...

far better music in my humble opinion.   🙂


Different band.

Classical is better if you have a lot of time, a bag of weed, and are currently practicing an instrument, I find.


older & wiser me knows that drugs & alcohol are not worth consuming:

i prefer a clear head & fewer health concerns.

just saying.   🙂


Older and wiser, yet only just learning about baroque music?

And even then not realizing that each music has it's particular place.

Bach is not being played in pubs, at barbeques, at football grounds, etc.

Can you play an instrument?


I said, "older & wiser ME"

NOT, "I'M older & wiser than YOU."

can't say i care for your... tone.

technical_knockout wrote:

I said, "older & wiser ME"

NOT, "I'M older & wiser than YOU."

can't say i care for your... tone.


YOU compared yourself to ME.

Can't say that I care for your tone, either.

Supposed to be a chat about rock music. You get two major bands in the 90's confused (linked only by your dislike of them), and start going on about classical music.

Listen to some Nigel Kennedy or something then.


work on your reading comprehension;

or maybe just read it again when you aren't high...

bonus:  maybe you'll catch the music joke next time.

technical_knockout wrote:

work on your reading comprehension;

or maybe just read it again when you aren't high...

bonus:  maybe you'll catch the music joke next time.


Don't even smoke weed: that was me pointing out classical music's lack of sociability. Perhaps you'll get that next time.

Your music joke?

I got sick of Pearl Jam when they sang "smells like teen spirit" too. *canned laughter*

Bizarre contribution.


here let me point it out for you:

"can't say i care for your... tone."

verve pipe & oasis both suck anyways:

but hey classical music isn't popular at bars & the smoker kids are always busy blaring murder rap so you have a... point?


So then you didn't know the difference between Oasis and the Verve, and then started going on about classical music.



'wonderwall', 'champagne supernova', 'bittersweet symphony'... all that whiny crap sounds the same to me.

at least i can tell when somebody is issuing a personal attack on me & i'm not nitpicking others on minor mistakes like some elitist musical connoiseur.

also yes, i play acoustic guitar rather well.

life is calling:  unfollowing & good day to you, sir.


I'm very sorry for your triggering and that some Oasis music hurt your feelings.

I repeat, drew 3 million people.

Have a lovely day.

Problem5826 wrote:
technical_knockout wrote:

i'm not sure i would even include oasis in my top 100 bands;  'bittersweet symphony' was played to exhaustion early on & i can't stand the lead singer's whiny voice anymore:

about 10 years ago i switched from classic rock to classical & now i listen to primarily baroque chamber orchestras playing bach, haydn, vivaldi, tellaman...

far better music in my humble opinion.   🙂


Different band.

Classical is better if you have a lot of time, a bag of weed, and are currently practicing an instrument, I find.

I was gonna say. Bittersweet Symphony was the Verve Pipe or something.


Problem5826 wrote:

I'm very sorry for your triggering and that some Oasis music hurt your feelings.

I repeat, drew 3 million people.

Have a lovely day.

I think Monsters of Rock in Soviet Union in 1989 had numbers similar to that.

AC/DC, Metallica, Queensryche, and others.