
The Beatles or The Rolling Stones or who ? ( or even the Who ? )


I would say this was better than the original. But that wouldn't be saying much.




Problem5826 wrote:

In 1996, after releasing two of the great rock albums of all time in just two years, Oasis played Knebworth.

Three million people applied for tickets, enough to sell out the venue 24 times.

I don't think there's any touring entertainment whatsoever (music, sport, anything) that can even come close to drawing people like that at the minute.

In fact, I think it was only the Rolling Stones that have had a show like it where they were turning people away in such numbers.

To put it into perspective, the WWE wrestling held Summerslam and struggled to sell out Wembley a few years earlier - still one of their most popular events to this day (which is less than 100 thousand).


two of the great rock albums of all time?

i understand it is subjective, but you are the only one i've ever heard say such great things about oasis. outside of liam, of course, which brings up another point.

he said oasis would be bigger than the beatles. are you him? 'cause your "to put it into perspective" doesn't mention their popularity and influence, which was and is off the charts and undeniable.

fissionfowl wrote:

Sad how Pink Floyd went from humourous, energetic and wild with Syd to a slow, plodding, flat-lined sound for the rest of their career. One of the most overrated bands. (IMO)

wow. i wouldn't call parts of the wall slow and plodding, but, hey, that's me. i also like everything after syd, starting with their 'wish' for him.

varelse1 wrote:
badenwurtca wrote:

I'm an older guy so I'm with Bob Seeger ( Old Time Rock And Roll ).

I'm with Greg Khin.

They don't write em like that, anymore!



funny story about that song. khin has said that the band recorded it, but they weren't done. he wanted lyrics for the "ah, ah, ah, ah... " part. a few weeks later he's in his car and hears the version we know. the record company released the song before he was done with it!

Marksaheel wrote:

Led Zeppelin.

talented, no doubt. that they stole so many songs lessens them in my view.

varelse1 wrote:

I was gonna say. Bittersweet Symphony was the Verve Pipe or something.


how dare you! bittersweet symphony is from the verve. a great band, in my opinion. i think their a storm in heaven album is a masterpiece, and urban hymns is also great. many are unaware of them as they received little radio play.


Yeah, The Verve is cool!


another little known band:


there are other great songs from both bands, but i'm not about to cite some lame statistic about how many people wanted to see them as if it compares to the beatles.



Metallica playing the Monsters of Rock in Russia, 1991, in front of an estimated million people. ( They stopped counting at 600,000.)



Topic has stagnated a wee bit.

Needs more drums.

There is this guy in Mayhem who they call the "hell hammer". (nothing against Christians per se, but against religion generally and is just their culture quite particularly).

I like bands where a musician is a draw. Slipknot and Joey Jordinson. Pantera and Dimebag. Bowie and Ronson.


For those many servicemen in Ukraine, who have given their lives for all of us:


For a more realistic view (and a great song)


It would appear I was wrong. There are fresh rock bands now:



     I went to a lot of shows in San Francisco in my long-ago youth. The "usual suspects"--Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service--top my list. Traffic was also wonderful, and the Rolling Stones always put on a good show.

mpaetz wrote:

     I went to a lot of shows in San Francisco in my long-ago youth. The "usual suspects"--Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service--top my list. Traffic was also wonderful, and the Rolling Stones always put on a good show.

Funny. When I was a kid, we had a very popular local group, named The Suspects.

Drummer lived across the street from me.


speaking of the same band names...

pink floyd was originally "tea set". when they were booked for their first show, there was another band named tea set. so, they changed their name to the two first names of their favorite blues artists.