
The Science of Biological Evolution (no politics or religion)

SabrinaI27 wrote:
Also does anyone know how to check our old forum posts or replies. I’m feeling nostalgic and wanna check my old posts

There are various ways to do that.

SabrinaI27 wrote:
Also does anyone know how to check our old forum posts or replies. I’m feeling nostalgic and wanna check my old posts

Try this URL:


Try the wayback machine. & once ur there ?...ask sherman. only cuz mr peabody will probably be...ohh nvm.

playerafar wrote:

and mankind did evolve to produce Gilligan's Island ...

so did the mosquitos & the honey bees

Thee_Ghostess_Lola wrote:

Try the wayback machine. & once ur there ?...ask sherman. only cuz mr peabody will probably be...ohh nvm.

That reference seems a little old for you, but kudos.


Hey, you should like, totally try this or something.

I wonder how many posts are in here that are exactly the same word-for-word.

P2P ?...if ur reading ?...i'll be at the jean talon market on tuesday (may 7th) at noon. will wait 4u at the picnic benches. i'll be in all black. plz stop & say hi ok ? happy.png . will be w/ my gf neenee. L♥

leolren wrote:
Evolution is basically the process of live right?

Or the development of our biosphere. Depending how you wanna look at it.


nice. also i found this in a banned spongebob episode.


Wow this is a BIG forum


It is a metaphor for the persistence of evolution. wink.png


Orangutan named Rakus in Sumatra, Indonesia, observed self-medicating with leaves to treat a facial wound, marking the first documented case of external self-medication in an animal.
Rakus, a resident or frequent visitor of the Suaq Balimbing research area, closed his wound within a week without signs of infection after applying a paste made from chewed leaves of a liana plant known for its pain-relieving properties.
Researchers believe the ability of orangutans to self-medicate may trace back to a shared ancestor with humans, shedding light on the evolutionary origins of medicinal plant knowledge and behavior in primates.


This is a remarkable scientific observation - it was in the news on World Service as well.


tldr: The weakened magnetic field may have allowed hydrogen atoms to escape the atmosphere leading to higher concentrations of oxygen. This in turn allowed simple life forms to diversify. Recent research suggests this period may have created the first complex ecosystems, before the Cambrian explosion.


Interesting, but the article admits that is a rather speculative idea, with great uncertainty about what happened.
There is an award conflict between the ideas that firstly Earth's magnetic field is necessary for life to be viable here, and secondly a massive weakening of the field turbocharged evolution!


It might be a combination of both. A weakened field may promote mutations but with many dead ends. A stronger field may promote stability in the life forms that survived long enough.


Going off topic for a moment...
I recently bumped into a hypothesis new to me. It says the reason for the uncertainty in a particles position until measured is simply because it hasn't happened yet. The particle is only in a field of probability until Time catches up to it. Then it is in our present time for the flash of an instant before it is permanently recorded in history. In a sense, the probability field is a prediction where a particle could be. Once the present catches up to it then we know its actual position. The point between uncertainty and certainty is the point of history being created.

I dunno. I just stumbled on it last night and haven't had time to give it much thought. I just thought it was quite a radical idea and it caught my fancy.


Sounds more like philosophy than physics. Seems akin to saying nothing is certain until it happens. Fairly simple logic.


Yeah, it does to me, also. I just failed to find the youtube video I watched last night. I may look again but I've wasted too much time already today. I'm trying to get a better grasp of space-time and grabbed a video almost at random. The main criteria was it was short.