
What is the difference between Html, Javascript, C++, C#, PHP, CSS


What is the difference between Html, Javascript, C++, C#, PHP, CSS?


I think html is limited to text and pictures while the others can do much more than that



Html -  Text Markup language for detailing the layouts of webpages. All webpages are HTML at heart.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - a method for detailing the 'look' and 'style' of a website/webpage

Javascript - Additional functionality for webpages, extends HTML to allow actions to take place in the browser, rather than having to submit a webpage back to the server and that server return more html.

C++ - Programming language, mainly used for applications and backend programming 

C# - New(ish) Microsoft programming language, can be used for application or web development. 

PHP - language used for developing websites. (I've not much experience with this one)


Why do you ask?


PHP allows you to create non-static pages and interact with databases.

PHP is a scripting language that is embedded in an HTML page. HTML provides the basic structure and simple non-chaning elements of a page\site while PHP allows you to display different content to different visitors or on different days.

It also allows you to collect information from visitors and store or display the results.


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HTML is written in all caps;it's a little nit-picky, but it needs to be done. It's an acronym, use it as one.

HTML is used for web desining, like if you have ever wanted to hand craft a website, that's how you do it.

CSS goes along with HTML, it's more for graphics and pretty colors and thing like that.

HTML makes the website, CSS makes it nice.


C++ is the middle child of C and C# it took Object Orientated programing, and integrated into C. If that was over your head, think of it this way, it put something new into C.

C# is C++ but all new (kinda). It took all of what the other programs did right, and put it together.



I don't know what PHP is, sorry.

  • I think html is limited to text n graphic while others are hight level language for programming.. packers movers


C# is new new way of writing "checkmate"

C++ is the old way of writing "checkmate"


HTML has been in continuous evolution since it was introduced to the Internet in the early 90s. Some features were introduced in specifications and others were introduced in software releases. Also, HTML is defined in a way that is backward compatible with the way user agents handle content. HTML5 is a newer version of the HTML coding language. At the same time, it is more advanced, with new features and changes to improve it. For the most part, both are same. If you know how to code in any older versions of HTML, for the most part you should be good in writing HTML5. But HTML5 has several goals which differentiate it from HTML4. More....HTML and HTML5