
How to Play Against Scholastic Beginners


Hello, My name's Bingjie Liu. I am a 2111 Chess Expert who lives in Great Neck, New York in the United States. I've played chess scholastically a few times between 1999-2006, and then actively in 2007-2017. I've made a chess video from my experience in playing players in school in New York City between 1999- and 2017. After deciding to become a Chess Teacher after some college, I played kids who I taught chess and realized there are reoccurring mistakes that the kids make and they are the same exact mistakes my opponents made when I was in elementary school, even kindergarten summer school! I made a video outlining many of the main weaknesses that kids in schools make. and here it is. Bingjie's How To Play Chess Against Beginners 


The video doesn't show, in case you didn't know. 

In my opinion, they play too fast, the beginners are strong to find tactics, but weak to prevent them. In general, a lot of them are underrated.