
How to teach chess to a 2-3 year old little girl


Hi guys posting this asking for help on how to make it easier for my 2 year and half year old sister to learn chess. She asks me to play chess with her every single day, the only issue after I get the board and we start setting up pieces she gets distracted very easily. It's been a week since I started teaching her chess, so far she kinda know how to setup the chessboard (sometimes small mistakes) and also same with the rook movement, it's not very easy for her, which frustrates me, especially when I keep asking her "How does the rook move?" and she either doesn't wanna move the piece or distraacted playing with another piece or another toy. Sometimes I lose my temper when trying to teach her and once I notice she isn't focusing at all I just pick up the board and pieces and tell her to do something else, that way I don't force it on her to the point where she starts hating chess. For you guys who have exoerience with teaching 2-3 years old chess, is this normal? the focus problems? And what should I do to make the learning process optimal?

fidecheck wrote:

Hi guys posting this asking for help on how to make it easier for my 2 year and half year old sister to learn chess. She asks me to play chess with her every single day, the only issue after I get the board and we start setting up pieces she gets distracted very easily. It's been a week since I started teaching her chess, so far she kinda know how to setup the chessboard (sometimes small mistakes) and also same with the rook movement, it's not very easy for her, which frustrates me, especially when I keep asking her "How does the rook move?" and she either doesn't wanna move the piece or distraacted playing with another piece or another toy. Sometimes I lose my temper when trying to teach her and once I notice she isn't focusing at all I just pick up the board and pieces and tell her to do something else, that way I don't force it on her to the point where she starts hating chess. For you guys who have exoerience with teaching 2-3 years old chess, is this normal? the focus problems? And what should I do to make the learning process optimal?

Sounds like you have been doing very well. It's great that she has been asking.

Try not to get mad when she gets distracted. That is completely normal for such a young child.


It needs to be fun. If you are having fun, the kids will have fun. It's simple, keep it fun. You want them to have the joy of learning. Doesn't matter if it's chess or some other sport or educational material. Don't spend much time on one specific task. Have short time durations for many different task for each session. Let the kid play with the pieces and read fun books to them like Story Time Chess; The Game Storybook.

If you're getting frustrated that's your fault. Your emotions should be left out of teaching. If the student is not having fun or zoned out or bored that is on the teacher. ChessKid has great lessons and teaches the material in a way I didn't think of.


Perhaps if you had begun a year or two earlier, she would be a bit more advanced.


It'll probably be a year or three before she (or any child that age) has the focus to be able to play an entire game of chess. Just practice the moves. Maybe create simple chess puzzles to understand the movements and what happens.

Make it simple and fun.


There are games based on chess. You could play with less pieces on the board. e.g. give her two rooks while you have only one or similar things.


Make it simpler. Just KQ vs. K, then KR vs. K, then KP vs. K


I would teach her simpler board games at her age like Bingo Chess and Othello.


i would teach her when she is 5 or 4


Make it simple and fun. You don't have to teach her the best openings or tactics yet. (obvoiusly she won't understand.) Just teach her how the pieces move and let her move whatever piece she wants and you will review the game telling her what she needs to fix.


Start with this: (japan chess on 3x4)

fidecheck wrote:

Hi guys posting this asking for help on how to make it easier for my 2 year and half year old sister to learn chess. She asks me to play chess with her every single day, the only issue after I get the board and we start setting up pieces she gets distracted very easily. It's been a week since I started teaching her chess, so far she kinda know how to setup the chessboard (sometimes small mistakes) and also same with the rook movement, it's not very easy for her, which frustrates me, especially when I keep asking her "How does the rook move?" and she either doesn't wanna move the piece or distraacted playing with another piece or another toy. Sometimes I lose my temper when trying to teach her and once I notice she isn't focusing at all I just pick up the board and pieces and tell her to do something else, that way I don't force it on her to the point where she starts hating chess. For you guys who have exoerience with teaching 2-3 years old chess, is this normal? the focus problems? And what should I do to make the learning process optimal?

Stop being so hard on her! The poor baby is 3!


Be extremely patient patient


Just play simple endgames...I do that with my niece...but she;s a little older


At that age? My only recommendation is the episode of bluey called “Chest”


Honestly you should wait until she is a little older (maybe 4-5 years old) and then she can focus better.


Her facial bones are not solid yet. You want her to have a deformed face??


Should start at maybe 7, I started at 7 and now I'm 12 and got nice rating and advanced at chess so no need to start super early

fidecheck wrote:

Hi guys posting this asking for help on how to make it easier for my 2 year and half year old sister to learn chess. She asks me to play chess with her every single day, the only issue after I get the board and we start setting up pieces she gets distracted very easily. It's been a week since I started teaching her chess, so far she kinda know how to setup the chessboard (sometimes small mistakes) and also same with the rook movement, it's not very easy for her, which frustrates me, especially when I keep asking her "How does the rook move?" and she either doesn't wanna move the piece or distraacted playing with another piece or another toy. Sometimes I lose my temper when trying to teach her and once I notice she isn't focusing at all I just pick up the board and pieces and tell her to do something else, that way I don't force it on her to the point where she starts hating chess. For you guys who have exoerience with teaching 2-3 years old chess, is this normal? the focus problems? And what should I do to make the learning process optimal?


My chess coach has the same problem with't feel bad..
