
A modest proposal : Trolling the Trolls.


For all I know, this is what this site, is really like.


In a troll's world, all trolls, are fun. But in the real world, the opposite, is true.


harbi_canoshi wrote:

For all I know, this is what this site, is really like.

I don't think they have the human resources for something quite as ambitious yet, although the intention would certainly exist. The 'blocking' and 'muting' options have probably been their only tool up until now.


harbi_canoshi wrote:

For all I know, this is what this site, is really like.

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!" That's my take on trolls - an abrasive force that tests and strengthens the resolve of the community they form part of.


i'd rather be banished than be here with you arseholes.




my alter ego asked me to post this.


ilikeflags wrote:

Such a cool image! Where is that from?


Not "Get thee hence, Nerd"? I'll have to check my sources.


how do we know we're not already in the troll level of cc?

blueemu wrote:

I've come up with an idea, and I'd like to bounce it off you people and see what you think.

Have the servers running several identical instances of the Forum software.

When someone violates their user agreement... whether by cheating, by trolling, by being insufferably rude to other members, or whatever... they get banished to The Abyss (the Troll server) where they have only each other for company... nobody but other trolls to talk to, nobody but other cheaters to play against.

... and DON'T TELL THEM! Let them think they're still on the main forum.

If they behave themselves nicely for a specified length of time... two months, perhaps?... their banishment to The Abyss expires and they rejoin the rest of us here on the Prime Material plane. But if they continue their Chaotic Evil ways and misbehave while in The Abyss, they get banished to a deeper layer of The Abyss; where they have only a few die-hard trolls to talk to and only a handful of unrepentant cheaters to play against.

... and then to an even deeper layer...

... and deeper still...

Since you would have fewer idiots on each successive layer, it might not use up that many system resources.

I would pay money to see this!

Thats like banning abusive people to each other.  They will continue to abuse. 

Negative attention is better than no attention at all.



blueemu wrote:

*snip* ... and DON'T TELL THEM! Let them think they're still on the main forum. *snip*

You realize if you do something like this on any game, Watch Mojo or something will do a video.


Interesting idea! I think there are videogames that have that kind of system - enough poor sportsmanship lands you in Bad Sport Lobby