Forums have big problems


I have seen some clubs that are small but do very good in daily match tournament. The fact is that is legal in but a great example of bad sportsmanship. Suppose they have a tournament in which minimum 5 player is needed. After their top 5 player join that, then they lock their entry. Because of this clubs can only allow entering strong player. I have seen tournament where a club has strong upper boards but lost because of poor lower boards. They could just removed that players and win the tournament easily. However good thing is the clubs I joined don't do this. But should do something about this.


To je onda cenzura, nek i drugi klub angazuje svoje najace igraca, a sami znate, da je sto veci rejting, manji je odziv za dnevne turnire pogotovo onih preko 2000 rejting, evo vam klub 54 samo organizuje 5 igraca ko stigne nek igra.Nista chess,com ne treba da utice na to.

Rodic68 wrote:

To je onda cenzura, nek i drugi klub angazuje svoje najace igraca, a sami znate, da je sto veci rejting, manji je odziv za dnevne turnire pogotovo onih preko 2000 rejting, evo vam klub 54 samo organizuje 5 igraca ko stigne nek igra.Nista chess,com ne treba da utice na to.


It is then censorship, let another club hire its strongest players, and you know that the higher the rating, the lower the turnout for daily tournaments, especially those over 2000 ratings, here is club 54 only organizing 5 players who come let them play. Nothing chess, com should not affect that



just put it in google translate not that nard

Kadenstarr wrote:
It is then censorship, let another club hire its strongest players, and you know that the higher the rating, the lower the turnout for daily tournaments, especially those over 2000 ratings, here is club 54 only organizing 5 players who come let them play. Nothing chess, com should not affect that



just put it in google translate not that nard

Obviously I have but I don't have much faith on that. However if the translation is correct, should affect it I believe. I mean they should not have an option to close registration


Vrlo radosamo mala pomoc, kako se radi i meni lakse



It is then censorship, let another club hire its strongest players, and you know that the higher the rating, the lower the turnout for daily tournaments, especially those over 2000 ratings, here is club 54 only organizing 5 players who come let them play. Nothing chess, com should not affect that



just put it in google translate not that nard