
Feedback regarding the issue of cheaters on


Feedback regarding the issue of cheaters on

Dear Team,

I am writing to provide feedback regarding the current issue of cheaters on your website. As a dedicated chess player, I have recently encountered an opponents who displays an unusually high win rate of 80%, have gained over 200 Elo points in just two days, and consistently maintain an accuracy rate of over 90%. Seeing such players I can not understand how they don't get banned. And unfortunately this was not an isolated case.

It is extremely disheartening to see that the team is facing difficulties in identifying and banning such players. I understand that detecting and taking action against cheaters can be a complex and challenging task. However, it is crucial for the integrity of the game and the overall player experience that these issues are addressed swiftly and effectively.

What makes matters even more frustrating is the fact that I have invested additional money in a Diamond membership, expecting a high-quality and fair gaming experience. Despite my repeated reports of suspicious behavior, it appears that my reports are often ignored, and I find myself constantly encountering cheaters in my matches. This greatly diminishes the enjoyment of the game and undermines trust in the platform management.

I want to emphasize that I appreciate your commitment to fairness and the efforts of the team. I am aware that this is an ongoing battle, and there is no immediate solution to this problem. However, I believe it is time to explore new approaches to effectively combat the increasing number of cheaters. Because the way things happen now is clearly not good enough.

I want to reiterate that I consider to be one of the leading chess websites, and I appreciate the positive aspects of your platform. My intention is not to diminish your efforts but rather to raise awareness of a growing issue and encourage improvements.

I hope you take my concerns seriously and take active measures to address them. By doing so, you will not only protect the integrity of the game but also ensure a more enjoyable experience for all chess enthusiasts.

Thank you for your attention.




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