
The management keeps locking forumns when discussing cheating


Every time I make a new topic on cheating, the management comes in and locks the thread, by posting how they ban x amount users, and that I should just report them. Ask yourself, why?

I have blocked litererally thousands of users in my last ten years. And yet, when I am looking for a game with someone in withing +/- points of my rating, I get instantly matched.

THERE AREN'T THIS MANY PLAYERS IN THE ENTIR WORLD, let alone, in the 2200 range! If I went to the World Open, you might find 200 of them there. Here, there are hundreds of thousands of them!

I told the guy, I DON'T WANT TO BE MATCHED with non-premium members. ZERO RESPONSE, except that I have played a few of them. Look at my games history. It is like 1 every 50!

Every other site would implement the feature so that the user has the choice of who he plays. Not here. Ask yourself, why?

This site is 90% bots


The site policy is that discussions of cheating, potential cheating, or cheat detection are not allowed in the general forums. There is a club where that discussion is allowed.

As to playing premium only in live, it's been a requested feature for a long time but my guess is it's unlikely to ever be implemented. The site does attempt to pair premium members initially but if a compatible pairing isn't found quickly it switches to the general pool.


Also, 18 out of your last 50 opponents were premium. Not quite half but well over 2%

Edit: in the next 50 games 19 were premium, in the next 26


So you think 4-10 against players more or less my rating is normal, and they are rarely if ever using close to their allotted time? I lose on time all the time. I bet you that the players I have played in the last 20 games NEVER lose on time.

LMAO. YOU ARE BLIND MAN. Or willfully so


The site closed 58,000+ accounts last month for fair play violations and has a full team of staff working on reports along with some automated systems for detection.

That said, discussions of cheating, potential cheating, or cheat detection are not allowed in the general forums. If you would like to discuss join the following club.


"The site closed 58,000+ accounts last month..."

That is insane. Are these accounts paid accounts? What happens if they pay, and they are caught cheating? Do they lose their money?

telemwecomin wrote:

So you think 4-10 against players more or less my rating is normal, and they are rarely if ever using close to their allotted time? I lose on time all the time. I bet you that the players I have played in the last 20 games NEVER lose on time.

LMAO. YOU ARE BLIND MAN. Or willfully so

I'll guarantee you they have lost on time; in your last 10 games lost by timeout, every opponent you played also loses games by timeout as well.

If you're playing quickly it's very likely you're experiencing high lag. There are some things you can do to minimize issues there

telemwecomin wrote:

"The site closed 58,000+ accounts last month..."

That is insane. Are these accounts paid accounts? What happens if they pay, and they are caught cheating? Do they lose their money?

Some were premium and some titled. What happens to the premium membership is up to the player and staff


So I keep losing to players that play instantly and never make mistakes. Here is a perfect example of a cheat. I report it, nothing happens:

[Username removed-- Moderator: S19]

Why don't you put the time taken after each move on the log of the game?

telemwecomin wrote:

"The site closed 58,000+ accounts last month..."

That is insane. Are these accounts paid accounts? What happens if they pay, and they are caught cheating? Do they lose their money?

If you were cheating you deserve to lose a membership, just don't cheat.


Since I am 90% certain that many of the players that I play are cheats, and you have removed 58k accounts last month, how come I get a message that maybe 1 player that has been removed? It should be more like 10 a month, AT LEAST, for me.

Something doesn't add up


I got to agree with you here, I just watched that game and that was INSANE


You also have to take into account that the players you're playing might just be really good.


The approximate pace at which I get messages that a user has been detected is one every few months. If you are in fact deleting 58k account a months, THERE IS NO WAY I AM NOT GETTING UPDATES OF A CHEAT AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!


"11 million daily active users" has a lot of members and the cheating might be in low ratings, maybe is missing some but maybe the 58k accounts are from different ratings.


All I have to do to bypass the silly cheat detection at is, play myself a few moves, and then turn on an engine for a few moves, and possibly alternate that as the game progresses. The score of the game then looks "normal" since many bad moves were made, but the point is an engine can spot a super GM a queen when the time is low and win.

A chess game (especially blitz) is often lost by the player that makes the last mistake, It is super easy to just stick around long enough in a game. If I am an engine, I can play totally dubious moves for 30 moves in a row that don't lose outright, and then increase my ELO maybe by 100 points from then on, and beat most players.


cheating is cheating they need to do better there is no way i have been stuck below 1200 rating for 3 monthes and i know im not that bad


Then why not show the stats and break out into a histogram the cheating per rating range? A reasonable rating range is say 200 points.

If I were, the #1 issue I would be addressing is cheating. Eventually, this site will just be bots playing each other, or very low rated players that can't ascertain when they are being cheated. Anyone that has played chess for 50 years KNOWS precisely when they are playing an engine pretending to be a human being.


It doesn't so much matter what you think your rating should be. As we age, we lose ELO. The point is, if you have played human beings in the range of 2000-2200 IN THE REAL WORLD for 50 years, you not only have real rating, you KNOW how and why you lose and why you win.

I have played probably 20,000 real speed games in my life. I know exactly how real human beings play, and they don't play like the machines I play here almost exclusively.


Its very simple, they want to restrict discussions about cheating to a place where they can control it more easily

They also want to curtail discussion about how to cheat "cleverly" or more people will do just that

They also do not really want the full extent of cheating to be exposed, none of the sites want that, if they admitted to it, people would just go to other sites

Those other sites would then just keep quiet, even thought the levels of cheating would be very similar

So that aspect is all about business ,and retaining your customers

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