
Can't go on vacation?!!?


What... the... ASS??!

Oops?! We noticed the following errors in your form:

To prevent abuse, you can only leave on vacation when it is NOT your move in any game

This is bull. I have over 170 games going on right now, I can't go on vacation!?!? I'm coming back tomorow i just want to sleep right now and not be afraid i will lose my games! I don't play much live chess. So my slow rating is important. I can never get down to no games, there is always a move to make. So I can't use my vacation at all!! 

Litterally, it's 10 and I want to sleep. I guess I need to make 50 moves before I go down so I don't lose boatloads of games. This is ludicris.


  • To prevent abuse, you can only leave on vacation when it is NOT your move in any game.
  • To prevent abuse, you can only leave on vacation when it is NOT your move in any game.
Uhm... Normally I could help, But this hasn't happened for me.

If you can't help me, why did you tell me you can't help me? It's useless to post if this is the case.

How longs left on each game?

This is to prevent abuse. I'm sure if they didn't do this more would be complaining.

In order to go on vacation, you can't be on the move in any games. The exception to that is auto-timeout protection for premium and even then, premium members can't go on vacation manually while they have games where it is their turn to move. That's is one of the reasons I upgraded to premium originally.


I can't tell if you stayed up to make your moves or not but as of right now, you have at least 22 hours to make moves in a few of your games. Unless you have a lot of 1 day per move games, you should always be able to get to a point where you can move in enough games where you have at least that much time.


What I do is decide all the moves but don't submit them until you've decided them all, then do them all in one go ( hopefully ) before someone replies but you're right you should be able to pause any reply moves so you can whittle them down. 

Forrruntsn wrote:

What... the... ASS??!

Oops?! We noticed the following errors in your form:

To prevent abuse, you can only leave on vacation when it is NOT your move in any game

This is bull. I have over 170 games going on right now, I can't go on vacation!?!? I'm coming back tomorow i just want to sleep right now and not be afraid i will lose my games! I don't play much live chess. So my slow rating is important. I can never get down to no games, there is always a move to make. So I can't use my vacation at all!! 

Litterally, it's 10 and I want to sleep. I guess I need to make 50 moves before I go down so I don't lose boatloads of games. This is ludicris.>>>

Players who pay for premium membership get to go on holiday whenever they want, even if they have 100 moves to make. This is the way that this site gives higher ratings to those who pay for them.

I wouldn't worry about losing games because you need to sleep. You're also losing games because you're playing a ludicrous number of them at once and you can't possibly make good moves in all of them.

PS, that's how to spell ludicris. happy.png


  • To prevent abuse, you can only leave on vacation when it is NOT your move in any game.
  • To prevent abuse, you can only leave on vacation when it is NOT your move in any game.


Optimissed wrote:
Forrruntsn wrote:

What... the... ASS??!

Oops?! We noticed the following errors in your form:

To prevent abuse, you can only leave on vacation when it is NOT your move in any game

This is bull. I have over 170 games going on right now, I can't go on vacation!?!? I'm coming back tomorow i just want to sleep right now and not be afraid i will lose my games! I don't play much live chess. So my slow rating is important. I can never get down to no games, there is always a move to make. So I can't use my vacation at all!! 

Litterally, it's 10 and I want to sleep. I guess I need to make 50 moves before I go down so I don't lose boatloads of games. This is ludicris.>>>

Players who pay for premium membership get to go on holiday whenever they want, even if they have 100 moves to make. This is the way that this site gives higher ratings to those who pay for them.

I wouldn't worry about losing games because you need to sleep. You're also losing games because you're playing a ludicrous number of them at once and you can't possibly make good moves in all of them.

PS, that's how to spell ludicris

Please be helpless, redundant, and twice!


The vacation thing is bull. I'm leaving. it was fun. but short lived :(. I enjoyed it, but my ratings are in the gutter now... lichess here i come!


Sorry to hear. farewell!