
First and Foremost, I am a Follower of Jesus Christ. (I would appreciate it if you wouldn't hate on me for that.) I am also a complete Homeschooler, (just raking up those "different points" here)

Anyways I decided since I've started High school it's time for a re-write of my... what is this thing called... profile? idk.

moving on, My name is _______ ______ ________:-) Here I'm known as Fireblade28 and that's as close to my real name as you'll ever get unless... O-o point is I'd like to be refereed to as FB or Fireblade, either of those will suffice. 

I enjoy the concept of Art, Swords, Chess, LEGO, Swords, Sketching, Fire. Recently I've been delving into more of the sketchery... which is a real word imao.

I don't play chess as often anymore mainly due to a homework influx so... yeah. you can probably find me on Mecabricks, my username is the same. 

for now I guess I'll just leave some of my close friends at the end?







and many more.


thank you for listening to my TED talk.


Fireblade the 28th or so