
Not for Novice Thematic Tournament: Slav Defense

Date de début: 10 nov. 2010

Date de fin: 5 mars 2016

Parties compétitives
Moy. de classement
Intervalle de classement
Points disponibles
Nb max par groupe
# Qualifiés
Parties simultanées
Parties terminées
Parties restantes
Temps moy. max./coup
# de hors-délais
Plus grande surprise

Hello all.  This tournament is one where you go against people playing the Slav Defense.  This opening is very popular among high rated players and is very flexible.  We invite you to also join the Thematic Tournament: Alekhine Defense( ).

If you would like to play in more tournements like this, or play alongside similar players, feel free to join our group: the Not for Novice Group.


Have Fun and Good Luck To All!!

infinex | 10 nov. 2010, 12:19

Now that the tournament has begun, I would like to wish everyone wonderful games. Most importantly, remember to have fun.

Feel free to also join the Not for Novice Thematic Tournament: Alekhine Defense Tournament.