
Welcome to my bio: Let me give you a short description of what this will have(in order):

  • Useful links in chess.com to check out
  • My goals for 2024
  • Quote of the Week!
  • My friend's list
  • Things about me that you can check out(clubs, blogs etc.)


Let's get to it!

Useful links in chess.com to check out! ★:

To go to the page, just click the name(hyperlinked)



My goals for 2024:

Now this isn't a resolution or something, it's just something I want to achieve my the end of this year(2024):

  1. Have 1000 friends. ❌
  2. Getting my founding club to 900 members. ❌
  3. Having 6000+ views on my profile. ✅ 
  4. Having 1300-1500 followers. ❌
  5. Playing chess at an intermediate level: Having an elo of 1300 in Bullet, Blitz and Rapid. ❌
  6. Get a "Top Blogger" status on my profile ❌



Quote of the week:

This week's Quote: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt

I will be posting more quotes every new week 😃



My best friend's list:

I have over 900 friends on chess.com but some of my friends are special to me so they deserve to be on the "@LegionChess5's Hall of Friends"


★ Best Friends:

  1. @ATKal1111 or @Fieryyyyyyy: My big brother who is supportive and caring for everyone. A great person although he is competitive sometimes, in a good way
  2. @TheBlazeWingDragon: A friend who deserves to be on this list. A nice and supportive friend who can surely make your day happy. He owns a huge club called The Dragon Chess Warriors. Be sure to join it!
  3. @LegendProRevengeTaker: Aah my old friend. He had an old account called @ProRevengeTaker which was sadly closed for abuse but he's back, better than ever! Be sure to friend him! He's trustworthy and a great friend overall.
  4. @Opnico: He's funny, likes to talk in capital letters(sometimes), says broski wayyy too much. That's what makes him one of my best friends.
  5. @dontwantit: A friend from high school. Way too competitive with me but a fabulous chess player. But he's a very good friend.
  6. @Naruto_Uzumaki_7th-Hokage: I only just got to know him and he made it this far in my friends list. He's active but recently, he's stuck with exams so fingers crossed he comes back soon. He also owns a club: Naruto Shippuden
  7. @2024_Legend_2024: An amazing club handler who deserves to be here. He’s got a position in more than 20 clubs. He’s active and a great friend overall!
  8. @number1OliviaRodrigofan: Recently got to know here too and she’s already here. A good chess player who’s kind. She recently made a club so don’t hesitate to join it! Name: The great and amazing chess club.

★ Good Friends:

  1. @Abel_H04: An active guy who I knew from last year. He's great, smart, nice. What more can I say about him?
  2. @KDK_FanRepairs1009: He's a great chess player who had a great club but now he's a bit busy so I can't talk to him. But that doesn't mean he's not a good friend.
  3. @Scemer: Don't talk to him much but one thing is for sure,  he’s a cat, a very good one but he's also a great guy though accused sometimes of deleting club notes... and lastly, he's famous!
  4. @Jared: Just started talking to him but he's already on this list. An amazing club handler who can improve your club's activity swiftly. But he's compassionate and owns two massive clubs, one with over 5000 members! Great job, @Jared!
  5. @Timothy: A great inviter for clubs that he's admin in and he's good at chess, Just recently had an embarrassing loss in Daily Chess against him(still trying to recover from that lol) but that doesn't give me the right to exclude him from this list!
  6. @Guts_Master: Owns a crazy club with such good activity. He's cool, nice and acts nice way too much and also says bro a lot. But yeah, he's a great friend.

I can add more if you want so if you want to be on my list, just PM me and I'll add you too!



Things about me:

Well, I told you about my friends so you might be thinking, what about you, Mr. Legion? This is your profile, after all. Well... I saved the best for last. Here's everything you need to know about me with some facts as well!

My Username: @LegionChess5 (it's obvious... isn't it?)

My Real Name: Not telling you... a few people know though cuz I revealed it a while ago.

My Birthday and Date of Birth: I'm 12, but turning 13 on 5th August!! 🥳🎉🎂

My Nicknames on Chess.com: Sir(Idk why people say that to me), Legion and obv @LegionChess5


My clubs:

I own three clubs and I have a position of Super Admin or Admin in over 50!

Clubs that I own:

1. The Shadow Ninjas - TSN - My founding club! (700+ members)

2. Chess Society (2800+ members)

3. The Royal Chess Club (9000+ members)


I'm not bothered adding all of the clubs that I hold a Super Admin or Admin position in so sorry but you can't check them...


My blogs:

I have three blogs and one under development:

Learning Chess (570+ views)

Chess Bots: How Good are they? (875+ views)

13 Common Checkmates (770+ views)


Well, that's all I have for you. Thank you for giving me +1 view on my profile. Appreciate it! Bye!

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