
ACA Press release August 5, 2007

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The American Chess Association announced today that beginning yesterday, it began sending out 429,000 ACA free Lifetime memberships to youth organizations across the country to give away to youth interested in chess. Youth Organizations include Boys and Girls Clubs, 4-H clubs, scouting organizations, YMCAs as well as many others. "Our current goal is that when these free lifetime memberships are redeemed, that the ACA will have reached 500,000 members, making it the largest chess organization in the country as well as building the organization for the future", said ACA President Stan Vaughan.

The ACA's 2007 US Open, which is featured here at, already has reached 200 advance entries through Saturday, August 4, and will feature GM Larry Evans as the commentator throughout the tournament on top board games of the event.

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