Rare Co-Winner Situation Precedes Andreikin Victory

Rare Co-Winner Situation Precedes Andreikin Victory

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The early Titled Tuesday this week featured a rare tie for first place, after GMs Bogdan-Daniel Deac and Aryan Tari not only both scored 9.5/11, but also had the same tiebreak score. The late tournament was then won outright by GM Dmitry Andreikin on 10/11. 

Early Tournament

The early tournament saw 382 players participate. For most of the last third of the tournament, it appeared Tari would be lone winner, something he accomplished previously on March 1. He took the sole lead in the tournament in round eight with a win over GM Jose Ibarra, who had been perfect up to that point.

Tari maintained that lead through rounds nine and ten, then drew GM Daniel Naroditsky in the 11th round. That secured Tari at least a tie for first in the event of a decisive game between Deac and GM Vladimir Fedoseev (last week's late Titled Tuesday winner). In fact the two games were decided at nearly the same time, with Deac defeating Fedoseev. 

The math of the tiebreak system makes it quite unlikely to have unbroken ties, although a recent Titled Tuesday did see a tie for third place. In this instance, Tari and Deac shared the victory.

July 5 Titled Tuesday | Early | Final Standings (Top 20)

# Rk Fed Title Username Name Rating Score SB
1 21 GM @BogdanDeac Bogdan Daniel Deac 2949 9.5 66.75
1 22 GM @AryanTari Aryan Tari 2969 9.5 66.75
3 5 GM @Duhless Daniil Dubov 3080 9 60.25
4 2 GM @DanielNaroditsky Daniel Naroditsky 3130 9 55.75
5 4 GM @GMWSO Wesley So 3059 9 54.75
6 3 GM @FairChess_on_YouTube Dmitry Andreikin 3131 9 51.5
7 8 GM @Oleksandr_Bortnyk Oleksandr Bortnyk 3052 8.5 54.5
8 23 GM @HansOnTwitch Hans Niemann 2940 8.5 52
9 6 GM @Bigfish1995 Vladimir Fedoseev 3039 8.5 51.25
10 1 GM @Hikaru Hikaru Nakamura 3139 8 53
11 35 GM @VerdeNotte Gawain Jones 2881 8 51.5
12 34 GM @jcibarra José Carlos Ibarra Jerez 2887 8 48.5
13 50 GM @ActorXu Xu Yi 2817 8 46.25
14 12 IM @DenLaz Denis Lazavik 2951 8 45.25
14 56 CM @dmitrijiIM Dmitry Rostovtsev 2742 8 45.25
16 42 IM @mbojan Bojan Maksimović 2794 8 44.75
17 44 FM @FEKKET-ESZTER Jubin Jimmy 2907 8 44.5
18 13 GM @rasmussvane Rasmus Svane 2934 8 43
19 75 GM @mitrabhaa Mitrabha Guha 2767 8 41.75
20 10 GM @Jospem Jose Martinez 2992 8 41.5
20 70 GM @attack2mateU Razvan Preotu 2776 8 41.5
54 220 IM @Tekushka Lilit Mkrtchian 2515 7 33.5

(Full final standings here.)

Tari and Deac both won $875, the average of the first- and second-place prizes. Meanwhile, a four-way tie for third was fully broken, with GM Daniil Dubov winning $300 for third place, Naroditsky $150 for fourth, and GM Wesley So $100 for fifth. Andreikin just missed out but would more than make up for it in the late tournament. The $100 prize for highest-scoring woman went to Armenian IM Lilit Mkrtchian on 7/11.

Late Tournament

304 players joined the late tournament, the most in over a month. Andreikin lost to GM Grigoriy Oparin in the sixth round and did not take sole lead over the field until defeating Fedoseev in round ten.

Second place also went through Fedoseev, with GM Aram Hakobyan winning in the final round to reach 9.5 points and force Andreikin to at least draw for the tournament tie.

But instead of drawing his 11th-round game, Andreikin won again, producing checkmate on the board over Dubov, and secured first place for himself alone.

July 5 Titled Tuesday | Late | Final Standings (Top 20)

# Rk Fed Title Username Name Rating Score SB
1 1 GM @FairChess_on_YouTube Dmitry Andreikin 3131 10 63
2 14 GM @Njal28 Aram Hakobyan 2992 9.5 61.75
3 8 GM @Salem-AR Salem AR Saleh 2992 9 61.5
4 5 GM @Oleksandr_Bortnyk Oleksandr Bortnyk 3052 9 60
5 39 GM @Zhigalko_Sergei Sergei Zhigalko 2862 9 57.5
6 7 GM @Jospem Jose Martinez 2992 8.5 51
7 3 GM @Duhless Daniil Dubov 3080 8.5 49
8 43 GM @K_A_S_T_O_R Rodrigo Vasquez 2827 8.5 48.25
9 2 GM @GMWSO Wesley So 3059 8.5 42
10 10 IM @0gZPanda Anthony He 2964 8 56.5
11 4 GM @Bigfish1995 Vladimir Fedoseev 3039 8 51
12 57 GM @alexrustemov Alexander Rustemov 2771 8 45.5
12 9 GM @AryanTari Aryan Tari 2969 8 45.5
14 28 GM @erichansen Eric Hansen 2905 8 43
15 35 FM @honestgames Egor Lashkin 2870 8 42.75
16 56 GM @Nikolakis2014 Stelios Halkias 2793 8 41
17 20 GM @daro94 Dariusz Swiercz 2925 8 39.5
18 147 FM @HalfIsCrayfish Sebastian Półtorak 2589 8 35.5
19 145 FM @iliaguevnisim Nisim Iliaguev 2765 7.5 48.5
20 37 FM @MarcoRiehle Marco Riehle 2846 7.5 42
28 54 GM @ChessQueen Alexandra Kosteniuk 2756 7.5 33.75

(Full final standings here.)

Andreikin won $1,000 for the tournament victory and Hakobyan earned $750 for second. GM Salem Saleh, a winner last week, finished third for $300 here. GM Oleksandr Bortnyk won $150 for fourth place and GM Sergei Zhigalko $100 for fifth, while GM Alexandra Kosentiuk won the $100 women's prize.

Titled Tuesday

Nathaniel Green

Nathaniel Green is a staff writer for who writes articles, player biographies, Titled Tuesday reports, video scripts, and more. He has been playing chess for about 30 years and resides near Washington, DC, USA.

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