Dortmund Round 4

Dortmund Round 4

| 2 | Chess Event Coverage

After a snoozeworthy round 3, the players in Dortmund provided much more entertainment in round 4, for two of the three games at least.

In last year's tournament, Naiditsch shocked Kramnik with some brilliant opening preparation to win a spectacular game against his favourite Petroff defence.  Their game this year could not have been more different.

Naiditsch seemed caught out by Kramnik's choice of 6...Bd6 and responded too passively.  Kramnik (pictured) didn't need a second invitation, and threw his pieces at Naiditch's castled king with glee.  Naiditsch resigned on move 27 with Kramnik's pieces swarming around his king like bees around a honeypot.

Those who like their chess statistics will be pleased to note that this game is Kramnik's first win with the black pieces in a classical time control game for nearly 3 years!

There should have been another decisive game when Bacrot was similarly out-prepared in the opening against Carlsen. In the super-sharp Botvinnik variation, Bacrot tried a spectacular line (21. Qg7?!) which is currently under a theoretical cloud.  If Bacrot had anything prepared, it didn't show, and Carlsen looked set for another victory. 

However, Bacrot managed to find a way to draw by setting up a fortress around his king and preventing Carlsen from penetrating.  Ignore your computer's assessment of the final position - despite Black's material advantage, there is no way to make progress.

Last year's winner Leko played his fourth short draw in a row, leaving Carlsen and Kramnik sharing the lead on 2.5/4.

The standings after round 4:

Carlsen, Magnus   NOR   2772   
Kramnik, Vladimir  RUS  2759  
Bacrot, Etienne  FRA  2721 2
Leko, Peter  HUN  2756 2
Jakovenko, Dmitry  RUS  2760 2
Naiditsch, Arkadij  GER  2697 1


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