Martinez, Tari Win March 1 Titled Tuesday

Martinez, Tari Win March 1 Titled Tuesday

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GMs Jose Martinez and Aryan Tari won Titled Tuesday on March 1. They both held off GM Hikaru Nakamura, who finished third in the early tournament and second in the late event while streaming for 12 hours to support Ukraine. GM Raunak Sadhwani finished second in the early tournament while Martinez tacked on a fifth-place finish in the late event.

Instead of a broadcast, viewers were encouraged to tune into Nakamura's charity stream, to which donated $25,000 and which raised $132,724 in total.

Early Tournament

Martinez went undefeated as 418 players participated in the early (8 a.m. Pacific) tournament. He finished on 10/11, drawing in round eight against Sadhwani and in the final round against GM Fabiano Caruana, who finished fourth. IM Denis Lazavik rounded out the top five.

Jose Martinez Titled Tuesday
Martinez. This week's tournaments were not broadcast in favor of the FIDE Grand Prix and Nakamura's CARE stream.

Entering the final round, Martinez was in the sole lead on 9.5/10 with Sadhwani being the only player within half a point. A win for Caruana would have tied him with Martinez in the standings, so they played a real game, but it was drawn in 34 moves. Meanwhile, Lazavik toppled Sadhwani, who held on to second place despite the defeat. 

Martinez largely earned his victory in the penultimate round, with a 105-move marathon win in round 10 against GM David Paravyan.

Sadhwani's key game was a win over Nakamura in the ninth round, snapping a 25-game winless streak for the Indian against the American. 

A tough-luck sixth-place finish went to GM Grigoriy Oparin, who tied 2nd-5th place with nine points but had the worst tiebreak score.

March 1 Titled Tuesday | Early | Final Standings (Top 20)

Number Rk Fed Title Username Name Rating Score
1 19 GM @Jospem Jose Eduardo Martinez Alcantara 2960 10
2 9 GM @champ2005 Raunak Sadhwani 3001 9
3 1 GM @Hikaru Hikaru Nakamura 3162 9
4 7 GM @FabianoCaruana Fabiano Caruana 2990 9
5 11 IM @DenLaz Denis Lazavik 2972 9
6 4 GM @OparinGrigoriy Grigoriy Oparin 2917 9
7 21 GM @Beca95 Aleksandar Indjic 2921 8.5
8 8 GM @mishanick Alexey Sarana 2972 8.5
9 6 GM @dropstoneDP David Paravyan 2988 8.5
9 60 GM @Masmos97 Masoud Mosadeghpour 2926 8.5
11 28 GM @Infernal_XaM Pavel Ponkratov 2891 8.5
12 10 GM @Oleksandr_Bortnyk Oleksandr Bortnyk 2967 8.5
13 30 GM @Jumbo Rinat Jumabayev 2876 8.5
14 22 GM @AryanTari Aryan Tari 2903 8
15 25 GM @VerdeNotte Gawain Jones 2896 8
16 52 GM @GMNeiksans Arturs Neiksans 2807 8
17 14 GM @Denis_Makhnyov Denis Makhnev 2943 8
18 124 IM @Agibileg Uurtsaikh Agibileg 2668 8
19 70 NM @MightyGMpretender Antonio KozaK 2789 8
20 26 GM @Zkid Steven Zierk 2892 8
44 103 GM @Vanina1989 Valentina Gunina 2712 7

(Full final standings here.)

Martinez won the $1,000 prize for first place. Sadhwani took home $750, Nakamura $300, Caruana $150, and Lazavik earned $100. The $100 prize for highest-scoring female player was won by GM Valentina Gunina.

Late Tournament

There were 288 players in the late (2 p.m. Pacific) tournament and it ended with Tari's first win ever in Titled Tuesday. He had to fight for it, winning his last five games for a half-point final margin over three players: Nakamura, GM Daniil Dubov, and GM Timur Gareyev.

Aryan Tari Titled Tuesday
Photo: Maria Emelianova/

Tari's key win, like Martinez's hours before, came in round 10. There, Tari defeated Sadhwani, who finished seventh in the late tournament after his second-place showing early.

After a 3/5 start, Nakamura won his last six games to reach second place, but not quite the pinnacle. In round 10, he defeated Gareyev, who had been tournament leader on 7/7 before finishing in fourth.

March 1 Titled Tuesday | Late | Final Standings (Top 20)

Number Rk Fed Title Username Name Rating Score SB
1 19 GM @AryanTari Aryan Tari 2939 9.5 60.75
2 1 GM @Hikaru Hikaru Nakamura 3146 9 63
3 3 GM @Duhless Daniil Dubov 2997 9 56
4 75 GM @TimurGareyev Timur Gareyev 2845 9 44
5 10 GM @Jospem Jose Eduardo Martinez Alcantara 2966 8.5 55.25
6 7 GM @mishanick Alexey Sarana 2986 8.5 54.25
7 2 GM @champ2005 Raunak Sadhwani 3014 8.5 53.75
8 15 GM @Beca95 Aleksandar Indjic 2928 8.5 52.75
9 9 GM @Oleksandr_Bortnyk Oleksandr Bortnyk 2966 8 56
10 4 GM @FabianoCaruana Fabiano Caruana 2985 8 50.5
11 52 IM @kleinebeer98 Thomas Beerdsen 2802 8 49.5
12 39 GM @Riazantsev Alexander Riazantsev 2842 8 49.25
13 60 IM @Houdinovic Shiyam Thavandiran 2781 8 48.5
14 28 GM @kuli4ik Mikhail Demidov 2883 8 46.75
15 46 GM @alexrustemov Alexander Rustemov 2795 8 44
16 63 IM @mbojan Bojan Maksimović 2748 8 41.5
17 6 GM @joppie2 Jorden van Foreest 2968 8 34
18 36 GM @dretch Conrad Holt 2826 7.5 41.25
18 90 WGM @Flawless_Fighter Polina Shuvalova 2678 7.5 41.25
20 25 GM @XDPS Pablo Salinas Herrera 2864 7.5 41

(Full final standings here.)

Tari earned $1,000 for his victory. Nakamura won $750 for second place, totaling $1,050 on the day including his early performance. Dubov's third-place finish was worth $300 as Gareyev won $150 for fourth place. Martinez tacked on $100 for fifth place for a total of $1,100 after counting his early tournament win. The $100 prize for top-scoring woman was earned by WGM Polina Shuvalova.

Titled Tuesday is a weekly tournament hosted by, with two events every Tuesday. They are Swiss tournaments beginning at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time/17:00 Central European and 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time/23:00 Central European.

Titled Tuesday

Nathaniel Green

Nathaniel Green is a staff writer for who writes articles, player biographies, Titled Tuesday reports, video scripts, and more. He has been playing chess for about 30 years and resides near Washington, DC, USA.

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