Please anticipate the challenging schedule; the timeout rate in this tournament is consistently high due to the demanding schedule.
This tournament is expected to complete late in 2024.
Opening databases and opening books are permitted in Daily Chess, but the use of engines and tablebases is never permitted. All section winners will be subjected to fair-play analysis.
Post your most interesting games in the comments and share them on Twitter using #dailychess, and we'll publicize the best ones. Selected games can also win prizes!
Worried you'll forget to move? Turn on your daily chess notifications here.
Questions? See our frequently asked questions for tournaments!
This year's Daily Chess Championship will feature $5,000 in cash prizes. Prizes will be awarded in each round for different categories: the best video analyses, blogs, games, and moves. You can find an explanation of each category and examples of previous winning entries below.
Round 1:
- 3 video analysis prizes ($100 each)
- 3 best blog prizes ($100 each)
- 3 best move prizes ($100 each)
- 10 best game prizes ($100 each)
Round 2:
- 3 video analysis prizes ($100 each)
- 3 best blog prizes ($100 each)
- 3 best move prizes ($100 each)
- 7 best game prizes ($100 each)
Round 3:
- 2 video analysis prizes ($100 each)
- 2 best blog prizes ($100 each)
- 2 best move prizes ($100 each)
- 5 best game prizes ($100 each)
Round 4:
- 1 video analysis prize ($100)
- 1 blog prize ($100)
- 1 best move prize ($100)
- 1 best game prize ($100)
Prizes will be awarded by a committee of staff members. To be considered for a prize, submit at or click the buttons below. Note that the 'Best Move' prize will require you to join the Discord if you have not already done so.
Best Blog: When reviewing blogs, we look for clear communication, style, chess insight, as well as writing (and editing) ability. Humor is also appreciated. To get an idea of what a good blog involves, check out some of the winners from last year's competition here and here!
Best Video Analysis: A video of yourself analyzing one or more of your games from the tournament. These must be uploaded to YouTube, or another publicly visible video platform (note that Twitch VODs may expire before the end of the round). Here's a winning example from last year.
Best Game: Your best game of the round. All submissions will be reviewed by a team of high-level chess players (including titled players). Please note that you can only submit one game per round. If you submit more, your first game will be chosen and the other entries will be invalid.
Best Move: This is a new category focusing on specific moves and your explanation/thoughts behind them. You can submit your move in the official Discord, where it will be voted on by community members. Note: Before you submit a move, make sure to connect your accounts.

2024 Daily Chess Championship: Round 3 Winners!
The championship is down to the wire! These round 3 winners have shown us what they're made of! Check it out!
The winning entries were selected by a committee of staff, with the exception of the Best Move winner, which was selected by community vote in our Discord. The results are displayed in no particular order.
Video Analysis
- GMKubo | 2024 Daily Chess Championship - Round 3
- Novik89 | 2024 Daily Chess Championship round3
Best Blog
- tsubasa | Solve puzzles and play daily chess better
- tenpercent | 2024 daily chess championship round 3
Best Game
Best Move
Congratulations to all winners of Round 3! Stay tuned for the last round and I hope you've been enjoying the tournament!
Note to the winners: You'll receive an email with an invite and instructions on how to set up Zip, our payment platform. This is mandatory in order to receive your prize.
2024 Daily Chess Championship: Round 2 Winners!
Round 2 winners are up! Hope you've been enjoying the biggest tournament in history!
The winning entries were selected by a committee of staff, with the exception of the Best Move winner, which was selected by community vote in our Discord. The results are displayed in no particular order.
Video Analysis
- Video Analysis 2024 Round 2 || #BSWS by stynbsws
- 2024 Daily Chess Championship - Round 2 by GMKubo
- Chess Quiz from Tsubasa 2024/2 by Tsubasa
Best Blog
- The 2024 Daily Chess Championship - My journey through it by TecDragoman
- Round 2 Analysis: DarkSideOfTheMo0n by DarkSideOfTheMo0n
- 8 winning lessons from my second round of the 2024 chesscom daily chess tournament by shamizen
Best Game
Best Move
- Re6 by Tsubasa (Discord Submission)
- Ra6 by KULAK21 (Discord Submission)
- Nf5 by Doman_738 (Discord Submission)
Note to the winners: You'll receive an email with an invite and instructions on how to set up Zip, our payment platform. This is mandatory in order to receive your prize.
Congratulations everyone! Stay tuned for Round 3 winners!
2024 Daily Chess Championship: Round 1 Winners!
Hey guys!
We hope you’re enjoying the 2024 Daily Chess Championship - the BIGGEST championship in history! Here are the winners for all prize categories in Round One.
The winning entries were selected by a committee of staff. The results are displayed in no particular order.
Best Game:
- noble_bound
- canabbissism
- healdopr
- xxLtaco
- nikhiwalia2828
- havocreaper2003
- abelbab2
- 9021SEB
- sassygirltebhritish
- gbonnet
Best Video Analysis:
- This Daily Championship was Wild... | Taken
- Hungarian/Benko Opening | AMAZING BISHOP SHOWDOWN! | vitualis
Best Blog:
- The Timeouts And Turnouts | sleepyporcyy
- My Round 1 of the 2024 Daily Chess.Com Championship: AKA How To Start Off a Tournament Badly | SavageOppress
- One room, 12 people, 22 games, and only one winner... | shamizen
Best Move:
- 11. 0-0!! | arturblok1
- 23. Nxd5!! | LRMW
- 21...Qc6!! | Hatchihalo
If you see your name on the list, a staff member should be reaching out to you soon for more information.
Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you all for your incredible submissions, and don't forget to send in your videos, blogs, moves, and games for Round 2!
Good luck!