
Wallyjack's Production of "Chess the musical" for a cast rated 1403-1503

Start Date: Jun 2, 2018

Finish Date: Apr 26, 2019

Time Control
Games Rated
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Rating Range
Points Available
Max Group Size
# Advance
Simultaneous Games
Completed Games
Tie Breaks
Remaining Games
Max Avg. Time/Move
# of Timeouts
Biggest Upset
This is a "No Vacation" tournament!
This is a "No Vacation" tournament!

Hi my friends,

This is the 5th in a series of tourneys and is for players rated 1403-1503.

The format is however many eligible players that I have after 3 weeks and is 4 players/group,3 days/move,2 concurrent games/opponent,2 to advance from each group unless there are ties and then ALL tied players will advance to the next round,it is,also,a NO VACATION time tourney and any players over 1503 AT THE START OF THE TOURNEY will be removed and,whenever possible,invited to join a tourney that is appropriate for their new rating.

*I will start this tourney on 3/6/2018,my time.*

Please enter,enjoy yourself,try your best and,please,NO CHEATING!


Chess is a musical with music by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus of the pop group ABBA, and with lyrics by Tim Rice. The story involves a politically driven, Cold War-era chess tournament between two men—an American grandmaster and a Soviet grandmaster—and their fight over a woman who manages one and falls in love with the other. Although the protagonists were not intended to represent any real individuals, the character of the American grandmaster (named Freddie Trumper in the stage version) was loosely based on Bobby Fischer,[1] while elements of the story may have been inspired by the chess careers of Russian grandmasters Viktor Korchnoi and Anatoly Karpov.[2]

Chess was a significant and powerful piece of music theater for its time as it allegorically reflected the Cold War tensions present in the 1980s. The musical has been referred to as a metaphor for the whole Cold War, with the insinuation being made that the Cold War is itself a manipulative game.[3] Released and staged at the height of the strong anti-communist agenda that came to be known as the "Reagan Doctrine",[4][5] Chess addressed and satirized the hostility of the international political atmosphere of the 1980s.

Like several other productions, namely Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita, a highly successful concept album was released prior to the first theatrical production in order to raise money. In the case of Chess, the concept album was released in the autumn of 1984 while the show opened in London's West End in 1986 where it played for three years. A much-altered U.S. version premiered on Broadway in 1988, but survived only for two months. Chess is frequently revised for new productions, many of which try to merge elements from both the British and American versions, but no major revival production of the musical had been attempted until 2018, when revivals were planned for both the West End and Broadway.

Chess placed seventh in a BBC Radio 2 listener poll of the U.K.'s "Number One Essential Musicals."[6]

There are currently three different new revivals of the musical, one in London's West End,[7] one on Broadway[8][9][10][11] and one touring five different theaters in Denmark [1], that will all premiere in 2018.


New no vacation time tourney 1405-1505

wallyjack | Nov 30, 2018, 1:33 PM

New no vacation time tourney 1403-1503

wallyjack | Oct 3, 2018, 4:12 PM

New no vacation time tourney 1405-1505

wallyjack | Aug 18, 2018, 10:21 PM

Players lists

wallyjack | Jun 2, 2018, 8:18 PM

Hello my friends,

The V2 version ceases in the very near future and then it'll just be the V3 version to use.Unfortunately I can find nothing like the V2 lists of players that I use to invite members to my tourneys or groups on V3,so if you wish to play in my future tourneys then I think it's imperative that you register your username in this group of mine otherwise I won't be able to find you to invite youFrown :-

Thank you,

MikeCool (wallyjack)