
Warbirds I [1201-1400]

Start Date: May 28, 2013

Finish Date: Oct 3, 2014

Time Control
Games Rated
Avg Rating
Rating Range
Points Available
Max Group Size
# Advance
Simultaneous Games
Completed Games
Tie Breaks
Remaining Games
Max Avg. Time/Move
# of Timeouts
Biggest Upset
This is a "No Vacation" tournament!

Thematic: C23: Bishop's Opening

Rating: 1201-1400

Max Players: 100

Group Size: 5

Advance: 2

Days Per Move: 3

Simultaneous Games: 1

Total Simultaneous: 4

Start Date: The tournament will start when the rosters are full, and not before.

All players who are beyond the rating restriction for this tournament will be removed prior to tournament start.

Tournament is limited to those who have an average move speed of 12 hours or less.

For those who will receive invites with the tournament being out of their rating range, I apologize in advance. Invites to tournaments are sent en masse to an entire group. does not filter out ratings out of range for a particular tournement with these en masse invites. I wish they would!

Like tournaments for every rating range!






This group is dedicated to Chess and to the great Warbirds of WWII. It was during this war that aviation was pushed to the limit of known technology in an arms race unprecedented in its time. In a span of a few short years, aviation technology evolved from rags-and-sticks biplanes to metal-clad monsters whose top speeds threatened the sound barrier. Whether you are a pilot, an aviation enthusiast, a flight sim fan, a WWII historian, or merely curious, we've got room in the jumpseat and this bird is taking off!

Click here to soar!

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

-- John Gillespie Magee

Mr. Magee was an American citizen who left the United States to Canada to fight against the Nazis in WWII before the United States entered the war. He wrote this poem after conducting a test flight of a Spitifire. Soon afterward, MaGee lost his life in a midair collision.

More information about the poem and about Magee can be found here:


Chess Bikers and Aviators

For all the people who love to ride any kind of motorcycles, scooters or bicycles, for aviators, for people who do sky-diving, parapente or kiting for all the real adventurers who love freedom and like to run against the wind or fly beyond the clouds.

Click Here To Join!

I would like to point out a group, "Starfleet Marine Corps". This group has been created for the sole purpose of ending the group and random invites I have been sending. Members of "Starfletet Marine Corps" will receive invites to the tournaments I sponsor. This is not a membership drive as this team will not be participating in team matches or vote chess.

Do you prefer to pit your skills against the next? Do you enjoy climbing and clawing your way to the top? Do you like racing up that hill? Do you like tournaments? Sounds like you're a Starfleet Marine! The Starfleet Marine Corps members receive invitations to tournaments sponsored by Starfleet Academy and a couple other groups. Here, you have "first dibs" on these tournaments. Links to other Starfleet groups are provided, but under no circumstances will any Marine be encouraged to requested to join. This group does not participate in either Team Matches or Vote Chess.

Team Kansas welcomes all residents of Kansas, present or former. We are the official team for Kansas in the "U.S. Team Chess League." For practice and for fun, we will be taking part in team matches and vote chess competitions. Are you from Kansas? Do you live in Kansas? If so, please, join us! [Please remember that you may only play for 1 team that is involved in the U.S. Chess League].