Gambits, Games, and Galore

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King's Gambit Part II

King's Gambit Part II

| Jul 25, 2012

Welcome everyone for Part II of the King's Gambit series!  In case you haven't seen Part I, you can get to it by following this link if you wish!  A note to readers: This series on the Kin...

The King's Gambit, Part I

The King's Gambit, Part I

| Jul 13, 2012

Chess just isn't what it used to be.  With the advent of chess engines and countless books dedicated to moves of opening theory, many players have decided to minimize risk in the opening and play only openings that are considered "sound."  While t...

Coming Back to Chess

Coming Back to Chess

| Mar 16, 2012

Hello everyone!  It's been nearly three years since my last blog post!  (Life goes by so quickly!)  Chess used to be my entire focus in life; I didn't want to do any extracurricular activities or do any homework because I loved chess so much.  My ...

The Battering Benko

The Battering Benko

| Oct 27, 2009

The Benko Gambit is one of Black's modern tries against d4.  Black attempts to sacrifice a flank pawn to gain open files on the queenside and wrest the initiative away from White.  Top Grandmasters such as Carlsen, Topalov, and even Kasparov have ...

Morphy's Mate

Morphy's Mate

| Oct 20, 2009

Here is a fun live chess tactic that I played to deliver mate.  See move list for variations.

Boden's Mate

Boden's Mate

| Sep 19, 2009

Today, I was able to play in the Kansas Grade Championships.  It was the first scholastic tournament of the season.  I came into the tournament worrying only about making things crazy and dynamic.  I finished off my top two opponents (both rated 1...

Dealing with Burnout

Dealing with Burnout

| Sep 2, 2009

It has been a while since I have blogged.  This is because I have found nothing particular interesting to blog about.  But, I would like to talk about a subject that I have been struggling with recently.  Burnout.  Virtually every chess player goe...

Nice Kansas Open Win

Nice Kansas Open Win

| Jul 17, 2009

Last week, I played in the Kansas Open.  It was a strong tournament and I was the lowest rated player entered in the tournament.  In round one, I drew a 1900 player as White in the French Defense.  I allowed a strong sacrifice in round two and mis...

Kasparov Defeats the Scheveningen Part II

Kasparov Defeats the Scheveningen Part II

| Jun 25, 2009

Yesterday, I tried to post a game between Kasparov and Anand.  Kasparov won fairly quickly thanks to a big kingside initiative.  However, when I hit the save and preview button, my internet froze and I was unable to post it.  So technically, this ...

Kasparov Defeats the Scheveningen Part I

Kasparov Defeats the Scheveningen Part I

| Jun 23, 2009

I recently have begun studying the games of Kasparov.  And I decided that I would learn much if I fully annotated Kasparov victories in various openings.  So this is as much for me as you; it gives me a game to look back on after the fact.  So enj...

The Road to Chess Improvement: Tactics

The Road to Chess Improvement: Tactics

| Jun 2, 2009

Views are varied as to the best way to improve at chess.  Some say that learning about planning, key squares, minority attacks, and other positional aspects is the best way to improve at chess.  While this may generate more knowledge about the gam...

The Draw Offer

The Draw Offer

| May 24, 2009

Nothing in chess has more psychological power than a draw offer.  The draw offer can be a very good thing, saving time if it is obvious that nobody can make progress.  However, I am under the belief that offering the draw hurts the player who offe...

Dangers on f7

Dangers on f7

| May 17, 2009

I recently played a game where my opponent fell into a trap and let me sacrifice on f7 for a mating combination.  He was playing moves rather quickly and probably didn't see my attacking possibilties.  Hopefully this will be a reminder to you to m...

The Closed Sicilian Part 1

The Closed Sicilian Part 1

| May 10, 2009

The purpose of this series is to let the player understand the ideas behind the Closed Sicilian rather than just main line theory.  In this game, many of the ideas of the Closed Siclian come into play, which is very instructive.

My Highest Win

My Highest Win

| Apr 7, 2009

This game was played last Saturday against a 2171.  We both missed a winning move for him, but I think I played well otherwise.  It culminated into a nice finish.

An Unsound Sacrifice Leading to a Nice Mate

An Unsound Sacrifice Leading to a Nice Mate

| Mar 21, 2009

I was just fooling around at a local bookstore in a two minute game against one of my friends.  I played an brilliant knight sac and decided to sacrifice my queen because I felt like it.  This lead to an aesthetically pleasing mate.

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