Playing Chess in the Tuscan Countryside

Playing Chess in the Tuscan Countryside

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Raffaello Sorbi (Florence 1844 – Florence 1931) was “one of the most popular Italian artists of the 19th century. He achieved enormous commercial success for his luminous and vivacious depictions of the ‘good life’ set in the beautiful Tuscan countryside. The many esteemed dealers who represented Sorbi throughout his life included Adolphe Goupil in Paris, Arthur Tooth in London, Heinemann in Munich and Schulte in Berlin. Late in his career, Sorbi was also awarded with the Commendatore del Regno, the highest Italian distinction.”

“The three pieces below exemplify Sorbi’s accomplished manner of genre painting that combines a realist style with an idealized portrayal of 18th-century country life. The scene depicts men and women in 18th-century dress” who are enjoying relaxing life, breathing the fresh air, filled with the song of birds, having a glass of good Italian wine, free of all pressures and stress of modern life we are living. And I forgot, playing a game or two of chess with their friends…

Don’t you envy them?


Raffaello Sorbi

La partita a scacchi/Chess game

Raffaello Sorbi - Osteria a Fiesole (1889)

Osteria at Fiesole (1889)


Raffaello Sorbi - Osteria (1892)

Osteria (1892)