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After a much more normal day of work, I was able to come home and focus well on the tactics. I got 8/10. Here are the two I missed. See if you can do better than me. 

I enjoy the tactics trainer quite a bit. From some of the comments it seems like people have a variety of gripes about the system. However, I like it quite a bit. The ONLY thing I wish I could do is to choose a type of tactic to practice. I have a few tactic types I'm very bad at. If I had the ability to choose a type to focus on, I would open my tactics training each day with several of those type and then switch back to the mixed up setting to close it out. I like that the tactics are mixed up, but I just want the chance to focus on my weakest area. In order to keep the ratings from being influenced, could make the tactics unrated if their is a particular type of tactic being studied. Just my wishlist.