Music to listen to during Chess Study

Music to listen to during Chess Study

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Studying Chess can be a lonely pursuit.


I prefer music with no lyrics for Chess Study.


Whilst actually playing a game I never listen to music.


Here I my recommendations for music best suited for specific areas of Chess Study.


Please recommend your own as well.


Ludovico Einadui: For best use when studying endgames of Smyslov, Karpov of Carlsen. Smooth and effortless.

Favourite Album: Divenire

Memorable Tracks: Fly (from Soundtrack to Intouchables) and Monday



Portico Quartet: Ideal for going over the games of Fischer. Helps with building an initiative to the point where a tactic surely must fall out of the sky.

Favourite Album: Isla

Memorable Tracks: Dawn Patrol and Isla




Bach Cello Suites: Inspired me to take up the Cello. Should be played when looking at any games before 1900. Romantic era of Chess.

Favourite Recording: Yo Yo Ma

Favourite Piece: D-Minor Prelude for Second Suite



Matthew Halsall: Excellent for self reflection and restraint. Ideal for prophylaxis. Accompany all of Petrosian's games with this trumpeter.

Favourite Album: Colour Yes

Favourite Track: Together


Miles Davis: When delving into complications of Tal's tactics, I advise switching on Miles Davis' psychedllic album Bitches Brew.

One can imagine Alekhine dancing to this whilst circling the board like a beast of prey.