danheisman's Blog

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Whatever Happened to Everyone's Second Chess Book?

Whatever Happened to Everyone's Second Chess Book?

CM danheisman
| Aug 9, 2012

Hardly a week goes by where I don't get an email "I hear your Everyone's Second Chess Book is just what I need. However, the used book prices on Amazon are unworldly. Do you have a spare copy to sell or when will it be reprinted? Indeed, the lea...

Nitpicking the Author

Nitpicking the Author

CM danheisman
| Aug 9, 2012

It's difficult for a chess author nowadays. Someone will email "Fritz says your analysis on p.11, move 16, line 42 is wrong. Black's move should be 23...Rxf7! -0.34" Just like the GMs whose games are followed online, and criticized by average pl...

Time Spent Evaluating

Time Spent Evaluating

CM danheisman
| Aug 9, 2012

In his book The Seven Deadly Chess Sins GM Rowson states that when you have an analytical position that spending more time analyzing can be very fruitful (up until about 20 minutes when you can get tired and confused). However, he notes that in no...

Strong Players Compare Candidates

Strong Players Compare Candidates

CM danheisman
| Aug 9, 2012

Good quote from C. Hesse in his new, fun book The Joys of Chess (publisher: New in Chess), when summarizing A. de Groot's finding from the latter's famous (but not fun - more like a PhD thesis!) book Thought and Choice in Chess:"Weaker players of...

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