
Chess Games of the New World Order

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The Opening:

Black:  "Protesters" bring down Ukraine's democratically elected government in Kiev.

White:  Russia "invades" Crimea.

Black:  The U.S. slaps economic sanctions on Russia.

White:  Russia seizes the assets of U.S. companies that are doing business in Russia.

Black:  The U.S. seizes Russian assets.

The Middle Game:

White:  The Russians refuse to pay their debts to U.S. banks.

Black:  The U.S. government hits Russia with even stronger sanctions.

White:  Russia starts dumping US debt and encourages other nations to start doing the same.

Black:  The U.S. gets Europe to also hit Russia with economic sanctions.

White:  Russia cuts off the natural gas to Europe.  (Russia supplies more than half the natural gas to several countries in Europe).

Black:  The United States moves troops onto the border of western Ukraine.

White:  Russia starts selling oil for gold or for Russian rubles and encourages other nations to start abandoning the U.S. dollar in international trade.

The End Game:

Black:  US-led NATO troops cross Ukraine's bring them "democracy".  CHECK.

White:  Russia alerts its fleet of nuclear subs to stand by for imminent release of SLBMs (Submarine-launched ballistic missile). CHECK.

Black:  The United States goes to Defcon 2.  CHECK.

White:  Russia demands IMMEDIATE exit of ALL US troops from Ukraine soil as the Russian military prepares to defend.



Black:  As the NATO armies approach Kiev...the US is the first to release tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield.  The US goes to Defcon 1.  CHECK.

White:  Russia releases its SLBMs and ICBMs.  Target...US mainland.  CHECK.

Black:  US releases its arsenal of SLBMs and ICBMs.  Target...Russian mainland.  CHECK.


The game is over in about 20 minutes.   

All the innocent people of the world...